—Systemic change begins with personal change—

052: Emptying my garbage for the first time in over a year


I recorded this video showing a year's worth of garbage. My point is to show you it's possible. Many people have asked me how. My answers never seem to satisfy them. If you care enough to try, I recommend you try. You're not going to die. Humans have lived for hundreds of thousands of years without food packaging and our modern world makes it as easy as ever to live without food packaging. You'll figure out how to do it, which will answer all your questions on how to do it for yourself. Though I started to live by my values, I continue mostly because It's delicious It costs less It saves time It's more convenient It's more social---I share more meals with friends, colleagues, and family It's more social---I meet the farmers and visit the farm that grow most of my vegetables I eat more volume of food than ever So I'm more satisfied than ever My abs are more defined than ever In other words, by my values, I eat better than ever. Read the transcript.

046: Systems, values, and learning from the military


Why do people who haven't tried it call not flying impossible, yet it was just as challenging for me and I find it one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Being in a system without realizing it makes it easy to confuse that system's values with your own or with absolute reality. What looks impossible is just impossible within that system. To change, it's easier to exit the system first so you don't feel constrained by its constraints. We were born to some strong systems that make not flying look impossible but not flying is simple. You're probably not flying right now. I present a couple cases---one simple, the other complex and expensive---that illustrate what happens when you're trapped in a system versus when you free yourself from it. Here are some links about General Paul Van Riper and the Millennium Challenge 2002 Wikipedia on Paul Van Riper War game was fixed to ensure American victory, claims general in the Guardian Interview with Frontline Interview with Nova Wikipedia on the Millennium Challenge Read the transcript.

042: More valuable than hope


This morning I volunteered to pick up trash along the Hudson River. The experience included baby geese, a crab, lots of plastic and waste, and people not connecting their behavior with all this garbage.

040: Which is easier, freeing slaves or not using disposable bottles?


This episode asks some personal questions that are challenging if you haven't thought them through enough to act on them. I think they'll help you live by your values if you do. Which is easier, for a slave owner to free his or her slaves or for you to stop using disposable water bottles and food packaging, flying around the world, turning down the thermostat and wearing a sweater in the winter, and so on? If you had slaves, would you free them? I think most people would say it's a lot easier to avoid plastic than to free slaves, but they would also say they would free their slaves -- at least when no one can check. But they don't act environmentally. If you believe you would make the difficult choices hypothetically, will you also make the easier choices here and now? Read the transcript.

034: Joshua Spodek: Before, Living by Others’ Values


After sharing my "after" stories about after taking on my environmental challenges, in this episode I share the "before" situations.

026: The View From The Future


Our world is filled with systems based on beliefs that made sense in the past, but that evidence contradicts. Growth and technology are contributing to environmental degradation. The invisible hand doesn't win against the tragedy of the commons. And so on. We didn't create these systems but we can act to create new ones based on new beliefs, such as accepting having enough, or considering the results of our actions on others more, say, when we pollute or expand into new territory. Actions are easier when we adopt beliefs that will work in the future, based on what we know about the planet that we didn't before. In this episode I look at our world from a future where we've made things work to guide our actions today. Read the transcript.

020: The Big Picture


I describe the big picture of this podcast. So far I've influenced a few people to make modest changes. The big picture for this podcast is systemic change on a national, even global level. I'm not just hoping to achieve it. I have a strategy. It's different and I expect it to work more than the existing strategies. I describe how you can help. Read the transcript.

018: Enron Environmentalism


I coined the term Enron Environmentalism to explain the gap between what people say they value about the environment and what they do. If you're an American, you probably practice Enron Environmentalism. Sadly, it's the opposite of self-awareness and integrity, as this episode of the podcast shows. Learning the opposite will improve your leadership, your life, and as a side effect, your environmental impact. Here are the articles I mention: My Inc. article: Are You an Enron Environmentalist? From Energy Policy Journal: Does pro-environmental behaviour affect carbon emissions? From Environment and Behavior Journal: Good Intents, but Low Impacts: Diverging Importance of Motivational and Socioeconomic Determinants Explaining Pro-Environmental Behavior, Energy Use, and Carbon Footprint Enjoy the episode. Read the full transcript.

014: A friend’s anger: why I’m doing the show


My friend told me this show angered him -- hearing people act as if little changes were significant... not knowing not to get new plastic bags. I shared some of my thoughts on people making trivial changes and what motivates me. I expect I'll share more personal thoughts on leadership and the environment as I develop my voice.

000: Preview of the Podcast


Why I created the Leadership and the Environment podcast, what it does, and how you can help.

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