Category Archives: Audio

Hear Me Again on America Out Loud: Living the Simple Life Off the Grid With Josh Spodek

on April 4, 2023 in Audio, Education, Leadership, Nature

Rob and Andrew, hosts of America Out Loud’s radio show and podcast After Dark, hosted me. I’ve been on their podcast and they’ve been on mine. I think I can safely say we’ve become friends across political divides, exactly the sort that everyone annoyed by today’s polarization. The episode is titled Living the Simple Life Off the Grid With Josh Spodek. Here’s the audio: We spoke about Here are the[…] Keep reading →

Audio of leaving social media and finding freedom that applies to all doof.

on March 4, 2023 in Addiction, Audio, Tips

Sam Harris used to post on Twitter multiple times daily. Anyone who had quit social media could tell it wasn’t improving his life. He was responding to its engineered cues to drive using it. Its engineers refined the techniques its industry evolved to addict people. Doing something he didn’t value but felt he couldn’t stop led him to rationalize and justify after the fact. Doing so enough led him nearly[…] Keep reading →

On Writing: Hear me on Writers Series by Sasha Talks

on February 11, 2023 in Art, Audio

Sasha Laghonh invited me to her new series, Author Interviews by Sasha Talks | Celebrating the Arts, Culture & Life, to speak about writing. She’s a longtime podcaster who has hosted me before. We speak about many aspects of writing: habits, style, motivation, goals, and more. If you’re thinking about writing, I recommend listening. You don’t have to copy my style or goals. On the contrary, developing your own will[…] Keep reading →

Hear me on Vancouver’s Jill Bennett Show: “How a NYC man managed to quit using his fridge!”

on January 27, 2023 in Audio

The story is going international. As regular readers expect, I covered more than just not using the fridge: avoiding packaged food and most of all, leading others, especially the most polluting and influential.

In the wild: the Spodek Method practiced by someone else to heartwarming success

on January 20, 2023 in Audio, Leadership, Nature

Regular listeners heard me on the Carbon Sessions podcast, by the community created by podcast guest Seth Godin that created the bestselling book The Carbon Almanac. You can tell that one host of the Carbon Sessions, Brian, had listened to This Sustainable Life. We kept in touch after recording. He was interested in the Spodek Method. We practiced it and recorded the three videos below of me teaching it, conceiving[…] Keep reading →

See and Hear Me On the Manopause Podcast

on September 9, 2022 in Audio, Leadership, Nature

I met Larry and Mike, who run Manopause and its podcast, through guest Mark Victor Hansen, and we hit it off. Maybe because Manopause targets people like me: men in their 50s and older, though around a third of their readers are women. I had just started my experiment disconnecting from the electric grid. They saw the leadership part, not just my personal experiment, and had to bring me on[…] Keep reading →

White Men and Publishing in 2022

on August 31, 2022 in Audio

I heard the following on the podcast for the literary journal Liberties. The host was referring to an article she read in the New York Times: She basically said what I think everyone knows to be true, which is that there are so much etiquette and rules inside the publishing industry around who is allowed to publish what and what writer is allowed to write what kind of thing. You[…] Keep reading →

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