Reply To: Exercise 1: Personal Essay

by Hayden Kessinger

Home Forums Leadership Course 2024 Exercise 1: Personal Essay Reply To: Exercise 1: Personal Essay

Hayden Kessinger


Your answer to the first question hit home for me. Initiative helped me cast aside shiny objects but it has also resulted in me needing to think hard about the things that are truly important to me and choose which one to give my full attention. I have said yes to one or two too many things recently and feel extremely scattered like you. I’m learning a lot because of this, though.

I like your description of compassionate leadership. I’m not familiar with Simon Sinek’s “Leaders Eat Last” but the idea resonates strongly. I’ve realized the value of a safe space cannot be understated when it comes to enabling people to perform their best and be happy. Like you, I often struggle with delegating and am rewarded beyond my expectations every time when I do effectively delegate.

I’m very curious and excited to see where we both are personally professionally at the end of this course.

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