Reply To: Exercise 9: Adopt a Challenging Belief

by Jim Jenkins

Home Forums Leadership Course 2024 Exercise 9: Adopt a Challenging Belief Reply To: Exercise 9: Adopt a Challenging Belief

Jim Jenkins

9 – Adopt a new belief (major)
Background: major company reorganization and employee layoff.
current emotion-current belief-new emotion-new belief

1. Find a belief that leads to emotions you don’t like.
Belief that the reorganization will result in a negative work environment that tears the group apart.
Emotions: loss of control, insecurity, fear about the future, the kind that makes you sick to your stomach.

2. Think of emotions you would prefer in that context.
Empowered, excited, happy

3. Think of a belief that would generate the emotion you prefer.
The reorganization is an opportunity to redefine the function into an inspiring and positive work environment

4. Consciously and deliberately thinking and acting the new belief
Have engaged 2 people to work with me on adopting new beliefs
Making an overt point of acknowledging people’s work to others (more valued)
Started discussing core competency picture

1. Did you feel more able than before?
Yes and no.
More able to pivot my thinking to opportunities and focus on what they could be
Spoke to couple of people about their participation and engaged them on changing beliefs
Some bigger obstacles to overcome

2. Did the skills start taking root?
Coming up with a number of other limiting beliefs to look at so believe I am noticing more in myself and in others.
Thinking and speaking about how to encourage a new belief with others
Applied it to a community board conversation to help with a difficult matter

3. What did it feel like?
Promising and energizing that I am developing this skill
Thirst to understand more deeply to turn into a superpower

4. Where and how might you apply your experience in the rest of your life?
Elevating my leadership effectiveness, fitting in with senior leaders, influencing culture change, having a better life, broadening my influence, helping my family more.

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