Reply To: Exercise 13: Your Models for Leadership and Emotions

by Hayden Kessinger

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Hayden Kessinger


I don’t think I’ve ever been successful in motivating myself with conscious reasoning, either. I guess I can motivate myself a little, but, as you say, the emotions are really what drive it. I’ve fallen into the trap of trying to reason with myself time and time again. I know that x is bad for me and y is good for me, so just do y and don’t do x, I say to myself. Sometimes that works… or rather, maybe sometimes my emotions happen to be more aligned with that decision.

Something I’ve thinking about a lot recently is the impact of my surroundings on my emotions and motivations. Living with my parents means I’m exposed to much more doof, TV, and consumerism than I had just a couple of months ago. It’s totally throwing me for a loop. I know these things are impacting my motivations and emotions. The things we eat literally change chemicals in our brain! I’m hoping to continue growing my self-awareness and make choices that lead to the emotions that I want that then lead to more choices that lead to emotions I want, and so on.

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