So far I’ve had two full Spodek Method conversations that didn’t lead to a commitment. The same people have asked me to check out their passion projects and both happen to be related to the arts and nature based, which I haven’t yet gotten around to doing yet. Tit for tat! I expect I would have a different outcome with the Spodek Method if people actually indicated they were looking to shift in their life. Yes they say they care about the environment, but it becomes clear they are on their own path about that. I’ll keep doing the climate action I love which involves several really exciting campaigns about system change (stopping airport expansion, and supporting first in the nation building electrification ordinances), and look for more opportunities to try the Spodek Method. My book club friends agreed to read Sustainability Simplified and I am looking forward to discussing it with them in January over a no package stew potluck. My goal for the next year is to continue to limit my smartphone time. I will be missing tomorrow’s workshop. Keep in touch!