Search Results for: cold showers rock

My sidchas, standard operating procedures, and preferences

on May 6, 2023 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

I meant just to list all my sidchas in my post Freedom exists in structure; it’s not chaos, randomness, or luck. Here’s my structure and freedom, but I made a mistake. I included standard operating procedures with sidchas. I didn’t think of the distinction. One is habits. The other is the best way to do something. I’ve written about sidchas. What about operating procedures? If there’s a better way and[…] Keep reading →

Freedom exists in structure; it’s not chaos, randomness, or luck. Here’s my structure and freedom.

on February 25, 2023 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

Freedom exists in structure. It’s not chaos, randomness, or luck. When I find something works in my life, I make it automatic. For many people, diet and exercise seem horror shows, or mysteries, wondering what they should do, how often, how much, and so on. When the most important bases of my life are automatic, I don’t have to think about them. I can focus on everything else. People might[…] Keep reading →

I used 2.5% the average American’s electric power last month

on January 10, 2021 in Habits, Nature

For those keeping track, I unplugged my fridge on November 22—not to save power, though it did. Listen to my podcast episode Why Unplug? to learn my motivation, but briefly, it’s to practice resilience and reduce my entitlement and dependence. I’m reporting after receiving my latest electric bill. My results Here’s my power use over the past year. Last winter I unplugged my fridge in late December, so this winter[…] Keep reading →

141: Dune Ives, part 1: Let’s Talk Ocean Plastic (transcript)

on February 21, 2019 in Podcast

If you’ve heard about avoiding straws or if you’ve avoided straws yourself, Dune Ives and the Lonely Whale, the organization she’s the executive director of have influenced you. If you ask yourself “Why straws?” or “What the point was?”, that’s what you wanted for people actually to talk about things on a human scale as opposed to things that are so big that people can’t really figure out how to[…] Keep reading →

My first rowing half-marathon

on February 5, 2019 in Blog

I recently interviewed Olympic gold medalist and Crossfit Games champion Anna Tunnicliffe Tobias, whom I met through America’s Cup winner and podcast guest Dawn Riley. Given Anna’s achievements, she’s remarkably down to Earth (as is Dawn). In researching her, I found that last year’s Crossfit Games included a rowing marathon—that is, rowing 42,195 meters. The athletes learn what events they’ll do only hours before competing, so they just had to[…] Keep reading →

Year 9, day 1 of daily posts

on January 29, 2019 in Blog

I began posting daily to this blog on January 29, 2011, so today marks day 1 of year 9. That’s 3,328 posts over 2,922 days (I double posted on many days, plus transcripts for the podcast get their own posts). Daily posting led to the development of the sidcha concept, which I consider (possibly) my greatest discovery so far, as well as my burpee, cold shower, picking up trash, and[…] Keep reading →

My tricks

on September 27, 2018 in Exercises, Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

When I talk about my daily habits, people call me disciplined and act as if I have ability they don’t. Nobody looks at a bodybuilder and believes he or she was born that way. Nobody hears a musician playing and thinks he or she was born playing. They developed their skills by practicing. I practice too. Sometimes the practice involves hard things and things you don’t feel like doing but[…] Keep reading →

Glory and why I will get down on my knees tomorrow

on May 17, 2018 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

For those who don’t know, I do my kettle bell workout every fourth day, starting with the 2nd of the month, then the 6th, 10th, and so on of each month. Today is the 17th, so tomorrow I do it. (Incidentally, on alternate even-numbered days—the 4th, 8th, 12th, etc—I row indoors or run, depending on the weather). What does lifting have to do with getting on my knees? I don’t[…] Keep reading →

Next Year Now and cracking the leadership code

on February 14, 2018 in Audio, Education, Leadership

Tom Heffner, host of the Next Year Now podcast, just posted his interview of me. Tom and I got to be friends following up this podcast, based on our mutual passion for learning and practicing leadership skills, education, values, and many of the things you read about here, so you’ll hear the chemistry. Plus, he came to these areas from a science and aerospace background, as I did. As Tom[…] Keep reading →

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