Seminars and Workshops

All of my seminars and workshops are experiential and interactive. Because I have people interact in pairs or small groups, they scale with number of people. In other words, I can do them with a few people in a room to hundreds. Audiences range from CEOs and executives to undergraduate students and everything between.

People love my workshops and seminars because they find them engaging, educational, and fun, and they walk away with new insights, skills, and experience they can use that day. Please see my testimonial page for testimonials.

1. Meaningful Connection

1.5 hours – 1 day

Making connections is critical to building a career and a life—and a major challenge. Who hasn’t gotten tongue-tied in front of an important person? Or taken a common piece of career advice and tried to network, only to give up after too many stilted, useless conversations?

This seminar, a highlight of Josh’s leadership course at New York University, will teach you how to create meaningful connections with anyone: from people you’d like to know socially to strangers at networking events to high-value people outside your social circle.

Drawing on his background as a scientist, entrepreneur and coach, Josh developed a simple script that guarantees conversations based on vulnerability, passion and intimacy—setting the stage for new relationships and opportunities. You’ll learn that script and practice it in a fun, supportive environment, and you’ll come away with a skill that can help you professionally and personally throughout your life.

This seminar offers:

  • A script you can use to create meaningful connections

  • The chance to practice that script and make it your own

  • A fun, interactive environment

  • A method that works for anyone—shy or gregarious, old or young, student or working professional

  • A skill you can practice all your life for both professional and personal development

2. How to Lead People So They Want You to Lead Them Again

2 hours – 2 days or more

What’s your passion? Map-making? Novel writing? Food? How many people know about it

We tend not to talk about what we really want from our careers because we fear ridicule or manipulation, especially at work. But leaders who know how to discover others’ passions unleash enormous potential—how people want to be led. The people they lead are engaged, inspired and committed—after all, they’re working toward their own dreams. That’s a much more powerful motivator than common workplace carrots like promotions and raises.

In this seminar, you will learn how to discover others’ passions and create your own inspired, committed team. You’ll learn Josh’s Meaningful Connections exercise, a highlight of his leadership class at New York University, which will teach you how to get people to open up and share their passions. Through empathy and understanding, you’ll help them move from expressing those passions to acting on them—and you’ll connect those actions to your own tasks and goals, usually making them feel inspired.

This seminar can be expanded to include additional materials from Josh’s leadership course.

This seminar offers:

  • A script you can use to discover others’ passions

  • Tested techniques for turning those passions into action

  • A fun, interactive environment

  • A method that works for anyone—shy or gregarious, old or young, student or working professional

  • Skills you can practice all your life for both professional and personal development

3. Feedforward

1 hour – ½ day

What if you could remove the conflict and fear from performance reviews, instead making them positive and mutually productive?

Some 30 years ago, the renowned executive coach Marshall Goldsmith coined the term “feedforward” to describe a new kind of performance appraisal. Instead of traditional feedback, in which bosses review employees’ past behavior, he suggested bosses and employees alike ask for guidance on what they might do better in the future. Feedforward has proved successful for thousands of leaders at all levels.

Marshall is one of Josh’s most important mentors. With Marshall’s endorsement, Josh will teach you feedforward and give you the chance to practice with your fellow students. In addition, Josh will share three of his own applications of the technique. You’ll learn how to use feedforward:

  • To make traditional feedback sessions better

  • To make worthwhile connections at networking events

  • To resolve conflicts

This seminar offers:

  • The opportunity to learn and practice a highly effective and well-tested leadership tool

  • A fun, interactive environment

  • A method that works for anyone—shy or gregarious, old or young, student or working professional

  • A skill you can practice all your life for both professional and personal development

4. Ten Steps to Entrepreneurship

1.5 hours – 2 days or more

Become an entrepreneur in ten straightforward, manageable steps in this seminar based on Josh’s popular and highly experiential course at New York University. The shorter version of the seminar will give you the blueprint to start an operating business with little or no money. The longer version will guide you as you make real-world connections to bring that plan to fruition.

Unlike other entrepreneurship courses, this one does not require you to come in with a big idea—or any idea at all. Josh will demonstrate that generating ideas is a skill that can be learned and practiced, and that the idea of a lifetime can come once a month. You’ll build community around your idea and develop it into a viable business plan you can present to top people in your field.

Through this course, students with no experience have quickly launched successful businesses—one started a nonprofit that works with music festivals, another pioneered a medical device and had medical engineers reporting to her at 20 years old… What will yours be?

This seminar offers:

  • A system for generating entrepreneurial ideas that you can use in the classroom and beyond

  • A non-intimidating method for building helpful, supportive community around your ideas

  • The chance to make real world connections

  • A fun, interactive environment

  • A method that works for anyone—shy or gregarious, old or young, student or working professional

5. Solving Problems to Build Teams

1 hour – ½ day

If leaders perceive you as a problem solver instead of a value seeker, they’ll want to hire and promote you and there’s no limit to the heights your career can reach. But it’s daunting to solve problems in a way that will impress people at the top, who know so much and have heard so many ideas already.

In this seminar, which focuses on one element of Josh’s popular, highly experiential entrepreneurship course at New York University, you’ll learn how to build a team around the problem you’re trying to solve. In stages, you’ll refine your solution and gain valuable advice and support along the way. You’ll gain the confidence to present your solution to leaders in your field, and you’ll have a ready-made team that can help you put your ideas into action.

This seminar offers:

  • A non-intimidating method for building helpful, supportive community around your ideas

  • The chance to make real world connections

  • A fun, interactive environment

  • A method that works for anyone—shy or gregarious, old or young, student or working professional

6. Building Teams Through Diversity

1 hour – ½ day

Who’s the greatest quarterback of all time? Whether you say Tom Brady, Joe Montana or some other NFL icon, one fact is incontestable: you wouldn’t want a team made up of only Tom Bradys or Joe Montanas. Great teams have people with diverse talents.

In this seminar, you and your team will gain perspective about each other’s experiences and values. Whether the differences are generational, racial, gender-based or founded on some other aspect of your backgrounds, Josh will show how playing up diversity enriches a team. Instead of flattening out variations, Josh will engage teams in exercises that help them identify, celebrate, use and develop their diverse skills and beliefs.

This seminar offers:

  • A system for overcoming some of the biggest obstacles to team performance

  • A fun, interactive environment

  • A method that works for anyone—shy or gregarious, old or young, student or working professional

7. One Habit, Better Life

1 hour

Our culture is so crammed with self-improvement schemes that it can be hard to know which ones are worth doing, if any. In this talk, which Josh has given at Harvard, MIT and elsewhere, he shows how to cut through the clutter of advice on habits to find how to focus our minds, keep our bodies healthy and boost our productivity. That habit has to be something he calls a SIDCHA—a self-imposed daily challenging healthy activity.

Whether we choose meditation, running, practicing music or some other pursuit, if it qualifies as a SIDCHA it will have a powerful ripple effect through the rest of our lives, improving us mentally and physically. As an example, Josh will share his personal SIDCHAs. Like past audience members, you may come away with a new conviction to take cold showers or do daily rounds of burpees—the tough calisthenics that Josh has done every morning and night for the last four years.

Whatever your path, this engaging talk will have thinking differently about self-improvement and its role in our lives.

This lecture offers:

  • A simple, efficient approach to self-improvement

  • A new perspective on personal discipline

  • Engaging personal stories

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Past events

See Coco && Breezy at NYU Monday!

Monday, March 31, 6:30pm-9pm

The Entrepreneurship Special Interest Housing Floor invite entrepreneurs and fashion-minded alike to attend an evening with

Coco && Breezy

Corianna and Brianna, also known as Coco and Breezy, are the founders of a cutting-edge sunglass and fashion brand based in New York City that aims to reach new fashion heights and introduce fashion connoisseurs all over the world to their unique sense of style and original accessories. Coco and Breezy designed the brand based on their own passion for creating eyewear with an artistic direction but meeting the high quality standards.

Seen on style icons such as Rhianna, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj, Kelly Osbourne, Ciara, Selita Ebanks, Theophilus London, Serena Williams and more, Coco and Breezy have been featured in numerous publications such as Teen Vogue, WWD, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Nylon, New York Magazine, InStyle, Paper, Essence, GQ, Timeout, Grazia, Biba, Idol, Dazed, ID, and more.

Inspiring, engaging, and fun speakers, Coco and Breezy will speak on the challenges and rewards of founding a successful company in New York City in their teens, followed by question and answers.

Entrepreneurship VS Leadership: Similarities, Differences, & Lessons Learned

Thursday, March 27, 2014 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm

NYU Entrepreneurs Network & NYU Leadership Development Initiative


Entrepreneurship VS Leadership
Similarities, Differences, & Lessons Learned

We often talk about leadership and entrepreneurship as if they were the same thing. Have you wondered what is the relationship between these two fields? How transferable are the skills and capacities that might be required for each? What role does entrepreneurship play in leadership and vice versa?

Join us for an exciting panel discussion as we explore what these two fields mean, how they are different and where we can learn from each. Light food and beverages will be served.

How to Lead People So They Want You to Lead Them Again

Saturday, March 15, 10am - 4:30pm

My one-day seminar “How to Lead People So They Want You to Lead Them Again” uses exercises, discussion, and lecture to teach how to lead people so they thank you for leading them and want you to lead them again. It follows up and complements my two-day seminar “Leadership Through Emotional Intelligence and Self-Awareness.”

As one attendee said: “I signed up for Josh’s leadership seminar not really knowing what to expect. I walked away with a clear, understandable framework not only for providing effective leadership, but for creating lasting and meaningful relationships with colleagues and teammates. Josh’s method of emotional connection gets to the core of the needs we all share as human beings. His techniques can help anyone become a better leader – and a more fulfilled person overall.”

See “The Business of Movies with Director Corydon Wagner, winner Golden Lion Cannes 2012” February 27, 6-8pm

Thursday, February 27, 2014 6-8pm

I will be presenting Golden Lion Cannes Award-winning Director Corydon Wagner February 27, 6-8pm. As a successful entrepreneur who leads projects with billions of dollars at play, he will present what business leaders can learn from directing and producing film. Read more and sign up here.

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