Best and Brightest … Genius — Esquire

A once-in-a-lifetime game-changing advance
in our field everyone else will follow
— Marshall Goldsmith

Astrophysicist turned new media whiz — NBC

Passionate … confident … — Forbes

You don't just learn theory from
him, you improve your life.
— Inc.

The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Harvard University, Standford University, Princeton University, MTV, IBM, US Army

My Mission

My mission is to help change American (and global) culture on sustainability and stewardship from expecting deprivation, sacrifice, burden, and chore to expecting rewarding emotions and lifestyles, as I see happen with everyone I lead to act for their intrinsic motivations.

In my case the emotions have been joy, fun, freedom, connection, meaning, and purpose.

Systemic change begins with personal change.

Some of my values. What are yours?
Months living off the grid in Manhattan: 30 (and counting)
Loads of garbage I filled in 2024 so far: 0
Loads of garbage I filled in 2023 so far: 0
Loads of garbage I filled in 2022: 0
Loads filled in 2021: 0
Loads filled in 2020: 0
Loads filled in 2019: 1
Loads filled in 2018: 1
Loads filled in 2017: 1
Days picking up litter: 2,772 and counting
Years not flying: 8 (104 months) and counting
2024 grid electric grid use at home: 0 kilowatt-hours
Annual carbon emissions: about 1 ton
Daily burpees: 239,685 and counting
Resting pulse: 46 bpm


Playing on a tilted field isn’t fair. How to fix it and how not to fix it.

on February 6, 2025 in Models, Visualization

This post is about how to think about fixing historical wrongs, like reparations for past injustices. Imagine playing soccer on a tilted field. Amazingly, I found an image of it online, but it shows a field tilted sideways. I mean tilted so one team has to run uphill on offense. Almost surely one team will have an advantage, though my soccer-playing friends can’t tell which. Imagine all the players on[…] Keep reading →

The Spodek Method is like quitting smoking.

on February 5, 2025 in Addiction, Education, Nature

Some people in my workshops describe early times practicing the Spodek Method as causing them anxiety. From my experience with performance arts like acting or sports in front of a crowd or, in attraction, learning to approach women, I know performing where others can see you can cause people without experience anxiety. I also know that mastering that art can transform that anxiety into joy and glory. Everyone who became[…] Keep reading →

Plastic appears more poisonous than you think, especially to your brain. You’d rather know these findings than not.

on February 4, 2025 in Addiction, Doof, Nature

I try to avoid just quoting news. That’s for social media, which I avoid. But sometimes the news merits it. Quoting the Washington Post: Haven’t shown causation (yet) The original paper’s conclusion points out they’ve only shown correlation, not causation, though not showing it doesn’t mean it isn’t there: The present data suggest a trend of increasing MNP concentrations in the brain and liver. The majority of MNPs [microplastics and[…] Keep reading →

A polluting cafe illustrates our how our culture values and promotes polluting and depleting

on February 3, 2025 in Doof, Visualization

The picture below shows a new cafe down the block from me that shows how polluting our culture has become. Let me count the ways. First, it has no seating. You buy your coffee and walk away. They save rent for not providing space for customers. They give you disposable everything. They save the salary of someone washing, the rent for space for a dishwasher and cups. It’s glowing red[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media, February 2, 2025: The First Emancipator, Plutarch’s Parallel Lives, Will & Harper

on February 2, 2025 in Tips

This week I finished: The First Emancipator: Slavery, Religion, and the Quiet Revolution of Robert, by Andrew Levy: I wrote earlier on the article Levy expanded into this book. Carter plays a big role in my book. Levy describes him as the anti-Thomas Jefferson and the document he freed his slaves with as the anti-Declaration of Independence. Beyond the biographical parts, Levy asks why Carter appears so little in our[…] Keep reading →

Finding a used syringe at my building for the first time. Also, people injecting on the subway platform.

on February 1, 2025 in Addiction

Context: I post about addiction not to comment on the individuals in the pictures but to reveal our culture. The images are only the most poignant representations of it, but they differ only quantitatively from, say, TikTok, Amazon, flying, McDonald’s, Facebook, doof, or other addiction. My goal in connecting it to ourselves is not to make anyone feel bad, but to empower people to act. If you don’t know the[…] Keep reading →

What people mean when they say “We have to have a conversation about…” (hint: it’s not about having a conversation)

on January 31, 2025 in Awareness, Relationships

I hear people say “we have to have a conversation about…” some controversial topic like racism, abortion, and the usual topics. Yet the controversy shows we’re talking about them. So what do they mean if the conversation is already happening? What they don’t mean While I can’t read anyone’s mind, I know they aren’t saying they want to learn new views. They can learn by reading and watching. If they[…] Keep reading →

Nearly everyone misses the danger of artificial intelligence we’re sleepwalking into

on January 30, 2025 in Addiction

When people predict what artificial intelligence will do, they tend to go in a few directions: how it will change their jobs, if it will become intelligent or conscious, if it will take over the world, or if it will solve some problem they face. Technology is a tool that augments people’s and culture’s abilities. It will tend to accelerate what its users already do. Whom will artificial intelligence help?[…] Keep reading →

The audio book for Sustainability Simplified is on sale!

on January 29, 2025 in Art, Audio, Leadership, Stories

The audio book for Sustainability Simplified is on sale at last! If you’ve been waiting to hear me read it, now’s your chance. It’s only available on Amazon (I’ll work with my publisher to make it available elsewhere). The free preview of the first five minutes is captures the opening story. I predict you’ll find it engaging. I confess I’m nervous how people will find my reading, which I consider[…] Keep reading →

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