Category Archives: Nature

Unexpected quotes in my book, plus a few I missed

on December 17, 2024 in Freedom, Nature

The following quotes are all relevant to sustainability. I used them all in my book, except the Adam Smith quotes, which came from a recent post. Milton Friedman “I’m not in favor of no government. You do need a government . . . There’s no other institution in my opinion that can provide us with protection of our life and liberty.” He knew that “the key insight of Adam Smith’s[…] Keep reading →

Ten days before Christmas people are already throwing away their Christmas pagan trees.

on December 17, 2024 in Habits, Nature, Tips

Ten days before Christmas people are already throwing away their Christmas pagan trees. Regular readers know I post pictures of how much people throw away trees they paid for being cut down. They’re following a pagan tradition grafted onto one branch of Christianity. They probably try to believe some self-serving lies that the trees are grown or harvested sustainably, but we know they know. This year I told myself I[…] Keep reading →

See the video from Monday’s book reading

on December 5, 2024 in Creativity, Leadership, Nature, Stories

Monday’s book reading featured questions from AJ and participants about the writing process, my experience, what to do oneself, and other personal things. AJ is both supportive and leads people to give their all. We reminisced about my taking her workshop, in which I wrote the book’s first draft. Only later did I see that that draft was just the start of writing the book. She asked me to read[…] Keep reading →

More reasonable thoughts on population

on December 3, 2024 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Nature

Following up my post a couple days ago Some early thoughts of a new way to quantify population and overpopulation, we would all benefit from developing ways to speak about population calmly. Currently, people think others with differing views risk destroying humanity and act as if their lives were at stake, willing to say and do what it takes to win. I’ve come up with a view I think may[…] Keep reading →

The challenge of the winter solstice and misunderstanding leadership

on December 2, 2024 in Creativity, Leadership, Nature

This morning on the way to charge the sign said 34 degrees (1C). The sun was so low on the horizon the usually sunny places I normally charge were in shadow most of the day. The solstice is three weeks away. It will be darker and colder for another three weeks. Then it will be another three weeks to come back to this long a day, though it will be[…] Keep reading →

Some early thoughts of a new way to quantify population and overpopulation

on December 1, 2024 in Nature

People freak out when the topic of population or overpopulation come out. Some people think humans have overpopulated the earth and risk pushing us into a population collapse. Others think humans may cause problems but we solve them too, so more humans means to them more solutions. They see the first group as anti-human. The first group sees the second as not understanding science. They don’t want fewer humans. They[…] Keep reading →

See me on the Radical World podcast: “The Power of Personal Transformation for Systemic Impact”

on November 30, 2024 in Audio, Leadership, Nature

You’ll hear a healthy dose of agreement on principle and disagreement on implementation between me and Matt Perez on sustainability leadership. He hosted me on the Radical World podcast. About the podcast: In a world shaped by force, we’ve dared to envision a different path. Together with like-minded guests startup founders, corporate leaders, and professionals from diverse backgrounds we’re challenging the established norms. Our conversations on RADICAL WORLD delve into[…] Keep reading →

An astronaut I agree with in principle, but who is hurting sustainability, I fear

on November 29, 2024 in Leadership, Nature, Perception, Visualization

A reader sent me a link to this video by an astronaut, Ron Garan. He shares how seeing the earth from space changes astronaut’s views on life and humanity’s relationship with nature. I don’t think it achieves the goal he wants. People can interpret it differently, but I conclude that he is saying seeing the earth from space offers a special and unique view of life that enables someone who[…] Keep reading →

Sustainability connecting me to nature: wonderful overall but challenging in the winter

on November 23, 2024 in Nature

Want to know the reason I I wrote yesterday about how relying on solar power connects me to nature and makes me humble to it? Because we’re approaching the winter solstice. Despite a PhD in astrophysics that included helping build a satellite still taking data in orbit, I’m learning more about astronomy and many other parts of nature today. I’m not yet at the level of ancient Babylonians or Mayans,[…] Keep reading →

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