Category Archives: Leadership
One of the more common line of questions people ask me when they learn I disconnected my apartment from the electric grid is what I do for light. Before I share what I share with them, if you’re curious, you can find out easily: don’t turn your lights on this evening. If you do the simple task of not dying, you’ll find an answer. I’m no do-it-yourselfer. If you just[…] Keep reading →
Jack Spencer has been a guest on my podcast three times. Now I’ve been on his, and I think you’ll agree it was a fun, engaging conversation. I can’t tell you how much I’ve learned from him. For one thing, when I started doing the Spodek Method with him on my podcast, I enjoyed his sharing about nature so much, I didn’t get past the first couple steps. I had[…] Keep reading →
Thomas Jefferson wrote some of the most inspiring words on freedom and liberty, yet kept his slaves. To this day, people say as a result: He didn’t mean all men are created equal or he wouldn’t have done what he did. He did, so he must have meant all white men are created equal. It’s difficult to impossible to lead without credibility or integrity. Jefferson undermined both by violating the[…] Keep reading →
Compiling resources on Robert Carter III for reference: Why do I care about Carter? A CNN article quoted Andrew Levy, who wrote a book on Carter, on why Americans seem to bury Carter’s story: Levy, whose books include a biography of Carter, “The First Emancipator,” has another suspicion: America doesn’t care – because it’s inconvenient. “It blows an enormous hole in this legacy we’re trying to balance for these founders,”[…] Keep reading →
I spoke this post title in conversation. As I said them, I realized I had to post them to my blog: “I solve problems. I’m not putting band-aids on symptoms“ Most purported solution I see proposed for the environment put band-aids on symptoms. I don’t oppose helping the poor, conservation efforts for the Amazon or other nature being encroached on, avoiding straws, eating less meat, turning off lights when not[…] Keep reading →
To all of you out there who say that polluting companies should pollute less, if you pollute an unsustainable amount—that is, 20 percent of what the average American does—why should they change an not you? It’s tempting to say that since they pollute so much, they should stop more, but first: they aren’t polluting for the sake of polluting. They are serving customers who pay them, including you. Second, if[…] Keep reading →
Monday’s book reading featured questions from AJ and participants about the writing process, my experience, what to do oneself, and other personal things. AJ is both supportive and leads people to give their all. We reminisced about my taking her workshop, in which I wrote the book’s first draft. Only later did I see that that draft was just the start of writing the book. She asked me to read[…] Keep reading →
This morning on the way to charge the sign said 34 degrees (1C). The sun was so low on the horizon the usually sunny places I normally charge were in shadow most of the day. The solstice is three weeks away. It will be darker and colder for another three weeks. Then it will be another three weeks to come back to this long a day, though it will be[…] Keep reading →
You’ll hear a healthy dose of agreement on principle and disagreement on implementation between me and Matt Perez on sustainability leadership. He hosted me on the Radical World podcast. About the podcast: In a world shaped by force, we’ve dared to envision a different path. Together with like-minded guests startup founders, corporate leaders, and professionals from diverse backgrounds we’re challenging the established norms. Our conversations on RADICAL WORLD delve into[…] Keep reading →