Category Archives: Leadership
A reader sent me a link to this video by an astronaut, Ron Garan. He shares how seeing the earth from space changes astronaut’s views on life and humanity’s relationship with nature. I don’t think it achieves the goal he wants. People can interpret it differently, but I conclude that he is saying seeing the earth from space offers a special and unique view of life that enables someone who[…] Keep reading →
I was walking through Washington Square Park the other day and an influencer/reporter stopped me to interview me about the election. It turns out he was Don Lemon, who has won awards. According to Wikipedia, he is “an American television journalist best known for being a host on CNN from 2014 until 2023. He anchored weekend news programs on local television stations in Alabama and Pennsylvania during his early days[…] Keep reading →
My phone is going crazy again this morning. The Times put the story on me on the front of the Metro section today. I wonder if the Times felt its readers could use some news they felt would brighten their days. showing a brighter future. The story behind the story Here’s what I’ve shared with people about the piece, if you don’t mind my copying an email I sent to[…] Keep reading →
Here’s a typical response on a forum to Tuesday’s profile in the New York Times of me from someone who I think would describe themselves as environmentalist: I enjoyed the article, and your blog post. You are part of the tiny % of the comfortable class who voluntarily simplify. Of course there are 8 billion, most of whom live in INvoluntary simplicity, and are trying to increase their throughput. In[…] Keep reading →
I’m honored and humbled by the New York Times‘ profile of me today. The article shows a huge part of my day-to-day life, but a sliver of our long-term leading the world to living joyfully sustainably. Read my book, Sustainability Simplified, for the full story. Of course, a book can cover more than an article, but everything I do is mission-driven on leadership. Sustainability Simplified charts a clear, joyful, rewarding[…] Keep reading →
[EDIT: I had no idea the New York Times would post its profile of me the day after this piece] Sorry for the in-your-face title and I don’t mean any time soon, but I think it’s a fair question. Other people have asked me the question when I describe my mission. Maybe you think I’m kidding myself that I could be so successful as to create enough animosity in others[…] Keep reading →
The paperback has been up about a day, and the reviews are coming in. It’s not Malcolm Gladwell level numbers yet, but a couple dozen reviews and all 5 stars so far. Making the book available feels great, as do the reviews so far. I wrote this book to help my mission, which is big, so putting the book up for sale is just the start. As much time and[…] Keep reading →
Word got out about ahead of time about my new book, Sustainability Simplified: The Definitive Guide to Understanding and Solving All (Yes, All) Our Environmental Problems. It would normally have come out in paperback later, but media attention has prompted us to make it available earlier. In particular, I’ve been interviewed lately for prominent media and expect people will want to read it sooner. My publisher moved mountains to make[…] Keep reading →
I experiment on how more effectively to describe changing culture from mainstream American to more sustainably. I’m not talking about some abstract “environment.” I’m talking about restoring living by doing unto others as I would have them do unto me and of loving my neighbor as myself, the opposite of polluting. I found a better way of describing the shift than just saying I’ve changed culture, I’ve passed a cusp,[…] Keep reading →