Category Archives: Nonjudgment

A neighbor’s thank-you letter from Donald Trump (sadly disrespecting the office of the presidency)

on July 19, 2024 in Freedom, Leadership, Nonjudgment, Relationships

Regular readers know I pick up litter every day. The other day I found this garbage wedged in the scaffolding of a building under construction. (Come to think of it, a topic I should write more about is this bizarre practice of litter being wedged and stuffed into places and why people do it. I’m not sure, but I have some ideas. In any case, all this littering is socializing[…] Keep reading →

Giving up on sustainability is a permanent solution to what could be a temporary problem

on July 1, 2024 in Nonjudgment, Tips

I heard someone talking about suicide describe it as a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I looked it up and it seems a well-known concept. Many people seem to have given up on trying to live more sustainably or sustainability in general. We can solve it. Dropping your impact over ninety percent, if done with the right mindset, will improve your life. Combining it with having at most two[…] Keep reading →

Today’s greatest privilege: denying one’s personal contribution to pollution, depletion, plunder, and imperialism

on June 26, 2024 in Awareness, Nonjudgment

Liberals talk a lot about privilege. Conservatives, libertarians, and other political groups have their problems facing their contribution to our environmental problems, but liberals contribute as much. Their denial is through the roof. In particular, they throw around the term ‘privilege’ like it was candy. I think they think they’re silencing the people they accuse of it, but in a way the other person deserves, doesn’t realize, and benefits from[…] Keep reading →

Followed up: watched recommended historical videos from the Leadership Institute’s course “Conservatism 101”

on June 13, 2024 in Leadership, Nonjudgment

I’ve written about taking several courses at the Leadership Institute. Conservatism 101 recommended a lot of historical videos to augment their lectures. Though I finished the course a while ago, I took a while to finish the videos. If interested, here they are. I didn’t grow up learning these views. Adults around me during my childhood seemed to view, say, Phyllis Schlafly, as weird and devious: why would a woman[…] Keep reading →

We’re going to need truth and reconciliation committees when we acknowledge the consequences of our actions

on May 30, 2024 in Addiction, Nonjudgment

Most Americans and residents of industrialized countries do many things daily that hurt other people through the environment. They act and talk as if they don’t know their Starbucks cup has anything to do with ocean plastic, but they know it. How do I know they know? Because they get defensive (or offensive) when someone brings it up. If I tell people I like oatmeal for breakfast, no one gets[…] Keep reading →

Milton Friedman: Free Markets Don’t Have to Mean Growth and Governments Ought to Regulate Pollution

on May 25, 2024 in Freedom, Models, Nonjudgment

Researching more for my upcoming book and planning to write opinion pieces, I’m learning more limited government, free market thought and practice relevant to sustainability and the environment. It’s relevant beyond anything I expected. If only people asked questions of people they disagreed with and listened to their answers in 2024 as much as they tried to convince and defeat, we’d have solved a lot of problems where we mutually[…] Keep reading →

Saying you care versus acting.

on May 8, 2024 in Leadership, Nonjudgment

Over and over I meet people who say they care about the environment and people affected by human impact on the environment . . . yet they refuse to acknowledge their impact. Still they complain how somehow others don’t care, even as their own impact is as great. What does it mean to care if your actions achieve the opposite of caring. What does you saying you care matter to[…] Keep reading →

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