Category Archives: Fitness

How what I’m doing feels, subway version

on June 24, 2024 in Addiction, Fitness, Models

Sometimes I feel like I’m responding to someone who fell on the subway tracks. No one else acts. I jump down onto the tracks to help the person to safety, but the person is morbidly obese and struggles just to lift themselves from the ground. They’ve decided to stop trying. “It’s too hard. It’s not worth it.” They resign themselves to the train hitting them. “As long as I can’t[…] Keep reading →

Likely Myth: Food Was Scarce for Our Ancestors Before Agriculture

on May 15, 2024 in Evolutionary Psychology, Fitness, Nature

Everyone talks about our ancestors like they struggled for food. Many people believe we store fat well because our ancestors didn’t know when they’d next eat. Maybe they look at surviving hunting and gathering cultures and see less food than in their local supermarket. Look at nature, though. Animals and plants aren’t starving all the time. On the contrary, places that aren’t frozen, desert, or that we’ve paved over abound[…] Keep reading →

Restaurants and caterers hate vegetables

on May 13, 2024 in Addiction, Fitness, Nature

Since I’ve learned to love fresh vegetables and fruit, I’ve come to learn the restaurants hate them. Caterers do too. An ex-girlfriend once commented that she couldn’t go to restaurants with me because I complained too much that they covered everything in salt, sugar, and fat (more on that complaint below). I attended an event today that was catered. Everything was vegan, which a lot of people interpret to mean[…] Keep reading →

Vegetables taste delicious. Why cover them in oil?

on April 27, 2024 in Addiction, Fitness

I ate lunch at a restaurant with a friend yesterday. Lunch was great because of the company. The salad that came with it was covered in oil. I used to dislike vegetables. I covered them in dressing. I was partial to Italian, but ranch or French would do. I didn’t know any better. The dressings came pre-made in bottles, full of flavor. By contrast, the vegetables tasted bland. I’m talking[…] Keep reading →

Now I’m a Real Cook

on April 26, 2024 in Fitness, SIDCHAs, Stories

About twenty-four hours after giving blood, while chopping collard greens, I chopped a bit off my finger. Sorry if it’s gross for you, but it reminds me of something I learned when I dated a woman who was a chef: if you cook enough, you cut and burn yourself. I don’t know if this picture captures it. I took it today, about twenty-four hours after cutting it. I should have[…] Keep reading →

Reminiscing on college sports on the occasion of a reunion

on April 20, 2024 in Fitness

I attended a reunion of my college ultimate Frisbee team today. Mostly current players attended, as in class of 2026 and 2027. I was class of 1993, over three decades earlier. It’s weird for something once one of the most important parts of my life for nearly twenty years to have ended over twenty years ago (I played after college, into my thirties). I noticed one of the recent jerseys[…] Keep reading →

I don’t know how people can eat at restaurants and not get fat. I couldn’t.

on April 4, 2024 in Fitness

I eat at restaurants less and less the more I avoid doof. They’re similar. Sometimes social obligations lead to me to join groups at restaurants. I don’t mind not eating. One of my greatest discoveries in avoiding packaged food was my first two- and three-day fasts. I used to think there was danger in skipping a meal or two. Then I skipped nine meals in a row with no problem.[…] Keep reading →

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