Category Archives: Habits

My biggest downside to aging so far

on March 21, 2025 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

I’ve passed the milestones everyone my age has. Some I like, like developing patience and wisdom. I may not have much of them, but more than before. I felt my potential strength decrease in my thirties. In my forties I lost yet more, and found even walking counted as exercise. Also in my forties, I noticed injuries took longer to heal. Injuries that in my twenties would hurt and affect[…] Keep reading →

Year 15, day 1, posting daily to this blog, my first sidcha (what led me to the concept)

on January 23, 2025 in Blog, Habits, SIDCHAs

On this day in 2011, I wrote the first post of a streak that continues to today of posting to this blog daily. I didn’t know that it would lead to discovering the freedom and calm of discovering deep values and living by them daily. Discovering the sidcha concept helped bring about self-awareness, health, stewardship, self-expression, patience, humility, independence, and more. Now I have several sidchas and standard operating procedures.[…] Keep reading →

Do you turn on the light when you wake up at night to go to the bathroom? Why it matters.

on January 18, 2025 in Art, Habits, Leadership, Nature

One of the more common line of questions people ask me when they learn I disconnected my apartment from the electric grid is what I do for light. Before I share what I share with them, if you’re curious, you can find out easily: don’t turn your lights on this evening. If you do the simple task of not dying, you’ll find an answer. I’m no do-it-yourselfer. If you just[…] Keep reading →

A video of my twice-daily burpee-based calisthenics routine at the start of 2025

on January 2, 2025 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

Here is my twice-daily calisthenics routine at the start of 2025. For context, here is a list of all my sidchas, standard operating procedures, and preferences. I have found discipline creates freedom. This sidcha creates freedom, peace, connection, calm, and more. The calories burned and motivation required are negligible in comparison to those benefits, and are benefits themselves. I started in 2011 with ten burpees a day, then added and[…] Keep reading →

On delivering food to a soup kitchen on Christmas

on December 25, 2024 in Habits

When I deliver food to hungry people, people say I’m nice. When I avoid polluting, they call me extreme. Yet both actions come from the same place in my heart and mind, which I can best characterize with the phrase “love your neighbor as yourself.” Whether you’re Christian or not, that advice has stood the test of time for a reason. Acts of love for neighbors are rewarding. I just[…] Keep reading →

Year 14!, day 1, daily burpees

on December 22, 2024 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

I started doing burpees on this day in 2011. I haven’t missed a day since. I’ve done them daily over 22 percent of my life. By my spreadsheet, I’ve done just over 241,000 so should reach a quarter million in 2025. The point isn’t the numbers, though, nor the fitness, though I like my pulse being nearly off the charts low for men my age. The simplest way to put[…] Keep reading →

Ten days before Christmas people are already throwing away their Christmas pagan trees.

on December 17, 2024 in Habits, Nature, Tips

Ten days before Christmas people are already throwing away their Christmas pagan trees. Regular readers know I post pictures of how much people throw away trees they paid for being cut down. They’re following a pagan tradition grafted onto one branch of Christianity. They probably try to believe some self-serving lies that the trees are grown or harvested sustainably, but we know they know. This year I told myself I[…] Keep reading →

Want quality? Start with the corners nobody notices.

on October 31, 2024 in Habits, SIDCHAs, Tips

When I mopped, I used to think I should start with the middle of the floor. That’s where I spend the most time and the saw the most. I’ve included mopping in My sidchas, standard operating procedures, and preferences on one day of my six-day exercise cycle, meaning I haven’t skipped or missed mopping every sixth day for years. Performing a task with a measure of quality teaches a lot[…] Keep reading →

Two updates to my sidchas and standard operation procedures

on October 16, 2024 in Awareness, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

I’m updating My sidchas, standard operating procedures, and preferences in two ways. Cardio days First, in my 6-Day Exercise/Mindfulness Cycle, I’m changing day 6, which was “Cardio, at least 300 calories rowing or meaningful effort plogging, biking, walking, or climbing stairs.” I did cardiovascular exercises for two reasons: Since around May, I’ve been experimenting fasting on day 6. That is, instead of burning more calories, taking in fewer. Doing cardio[…] Keep reading →

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