Ten days before Christmas people are already throwing away their Christmas pagan trees.
Ten days before Christmas people are already throwing away their Christmas pagan trees.
Regular readers know I post pictures of how much people throw away trees they paid for being cut down. They’re following a pagan tradition grafted onto one branch of Christianity. They probably try to believe some self-serving lies that the trees are grown or harvested sustainably, but we know they know.
This year I told myself I would post fewer posts of the pictures, but then Sunday I saw the first tree of the season in a garbage can!

How could I not comment and post on the depravity of this tradition? We created the tradition. We can change it to something more sustainable, or sustainable at all.
If you haven’t bought a tree and you were considering it, I propose considering revising your tradition to something less based in killing trees.
UPDATE, December 21: Another trashed tree before Christmas. What happened to our values?

UPDATE, December 23: A third tree trashed before Christmas. To the right is the cart I take volunteering to deliver food that would have been thrown away, as I was volunteering when I saw it. The temperature was below freezing, around 20F (-7C).

UPDATE, December 24: A fourth tree trashed before Christmas, or maybe just a wreath, but trashed nonetheless:

UPDATE, December 25: A pile of trashed trees on Christmas day. What better way to celebrate life than with death?!? Alternatively: what have we done to our culture, that we trash trees with such insouciance?

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