Ten days before Christmas people are already throwing away their Christmas pagan trees.

December 17, 2024 by Joshua
in Habits, Nature, Tips

Ten days before Christmas people are already throwing away their Christmas pagan trees.

Regular readers know I post pictures of how much people throw away trees they paid for being cut down. They’re following a pagan tradition grafted onto one branch of Christianity. They probably try to believe some self-serving lies that the trees are grown or harvested sustainably, but we know they know.

This year I told myself I would post fewer posts of the pictures, but then Sunday I saw the first tree of the season in a garbage can!

How could I not comment and post on the depravity of this tradition? We created the tradition. We can change it to something more sustainable, or sustainable at all.

If you haven’t bought a tree and you were considering it, I propose considering revising your tradition to something less based in killing trees.

UPDATE, December 21: Another trashed tree before Christmas. What happened to our values?

UPDATE, December 23: A third tree trashed before Christmas. To the right is the cart I take volunteering to deliver food that would have been thrown away, as I was volunteering when I saw it. The temperature was below freezing, around 20F (-7C).

UPDATE, December 24: A fourth tree trashed before Christmas, or maybe just a wreath, but trashed nonetheless:

UPDATE, December 25: A pile of trashed trees on Christmas day. What better way to celebrate life than with death?!? Alternatively: what have we done to our culture, that we trash trees with such insouciance?

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