Category Archives: Tips

This week’s selected media, March 23, 2025: Courage Is Calling, Robert Clary’s Holocaust remembrances

on March 23, 2025 in Tips

This week I finished: Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors the Brave (The Stoic Virtues Series), by Ryan Holiday: This book spoke to me about what I’m doing with living by a different culture than nearly everyone around me. I hadn’t considered myself courageous. I’m just living by my values. For that matter, I’m living by the values everyone who values I also hadn’t considered those compromising on those values to[…] Keep reading →

Filter bubbles, algorithms, polarization, and living in different worlds? What you can do about it.

on March 22, 2025 in Nonjudgment, Tips

We’ve all read stories about how algorithms, polarized media, and so on are leading to situations where people with different political views learn such different information about the world we might as well be living in different worlds. If one person watches only liberal media and another only watches conservative media, they view events through different lenses. One may view the environment as an issue about protecting wildlife while the[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media, March 16, 2025: Judgment at Nuremberg, Venomous Lumpsucker

on March 16, 2025 in Tips

This week I finished: Judgment at Nuremberg, directed by Stanley Kramer: A friend recommended this movie, I think because I’ve been talking about how there aren’t in our environmental situation the “bad guys” everyone thinks. There aren’t “good guys” either. We’re in a system that nobody deliberately created. My book traces the origins of how our system started from people doing things nobody could have expected to lead here. We[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media, March 9, 2025: Platoon, the Lord of the Rings film trilogy, Human Nature Odyssey podcast

on March 9, 2025 in Tips

This week I finished: Platoon, directed by Oliver Stone: Let me give you context to what prompted me to watch this movie after so long. I don’t remember when I first watched it. Before learning about sustainability, I thought technology would solve our problems. Mainly I thought fusion would, but along the way nuclear, solar, and wind seemed promising. As I learned more about each, I learned that they didn’t[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media, March 2, 2025: Waste Wars and Ishmael

on March 2, 2025 in Tips

This week I finished: Waste Wars, by Alexander Clapp: I can’t recommend this book enough. I came across it by reading an Op-Ed piece by the author in the New York Times: The Story You’ve Been Told About Recycling Is a Lie. That piece begins: In the closing years of the Cold War, something strange started to happen. Much of the West’s trash stopped heading to the nearest landfill and[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media, February 2, 2025: The First Emancipator, Plutarch’s Parallel Lives, Will & Harper

on February 2, 2025 in Tips

This week I finished: The First Emancipator: Slavery, Religion, and the Quiet Revolution of Robert, by Andrew Levy: I wrote earlier on the article Levy expanded into this book. Carter plays a big role in my book. Levy describes him as the anti-Thomas Jefferson and the document he freed his slaves with as the anti-Declaration of Independence. Beyond the biographical parts, Levy asks why Carter appears so little in our[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media, January 19, 2025: Transformer: Transitioning as a World-Record Powerlifter and The Heat Will Kill You First

on January 19, 2025 in Tips

This week I finished: Transformer: Transitioning as a World-Record Powerlifter, directed by Michael Del Monte, starring Janae Marie Kroczaleski: Wow! A fascinating and illuminating documentary in two ways. First, it showed the struggle of someone with two competing inner drives. One is to develop huge muscles and compete in bodybuilding. The other is to be a woman, though born a man. This movie revealed the struggles of navigating society and[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media, January 12, 2025: Nuclear Revolution, Powering America

on January 12, 2025 in Tips

This week I finished: Nuclear Revolution: Powering the Next Generation, by podcast guest Jack Spencer. I also watched his presentation on the book and panel at Heritage and followed up with the film he recommended in that presentation, Powering America, by the Heritage Foundation, where Jack works. Through our conversations on my podcast, especially doing the Spodek Method, and (coming soon, just recorded) on his, plus all the interactions that[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media, January 5, 2025: The Anti-Jefferson: Why Robert Carter III Freed His Slaves (And Why We Couldn’t Care Less) and The Individualists

on January 5, 2025 in Tips

This week I finished: The Anti-Jefferson: Why Robert Carter III Freed His Slaves (And Why We Couldn’t Care Less), by Andrew Levy: This piece was a journal article in the spring 2001 issue of The American Scholar. Robert Carter III plays a major role in Sustainability Simplified as a contrast to Jefferson, Washington, and their peers who spoke of freedom but did not free their slaves. Carter freed all his[…] Keep reading →

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