Category Archives: Tips

Another way we let technology make us dependent and unhealthy: Jellies, jams, and preserves

on June 20, 2024 in Nature, Tips

All humans until about a century ago lived without a fridge, as do many today. Coming up on three years with my fridge unplugged, I ferment a lot, and learn other ways to keep foods from going bad. Jams, jellies, and preserves were ways to keep fruits from going bad. Now that everyone has fridges and we ship produce around the world, we can get fresh fruit all the time.[…] Keep reading →

Simple Pleasures

on June 19, 2024 in Awareness, Tips

I keep thinking of little things that bring me joy and want to collect them in a post. I never start the post because I can only think of a few every time I post. I’m going to start the post with only a few and add to it. Sorry if you’re reading this when I just posted and have only three items, but I hope you enjoy cleaning your[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media, June 16, 2024: In My Time of Dying and The Law

on June 16, 2024 in Tips

This week I finished: In my time of dying: How I Came Face to Face with the Idea of an Afterlife, by podcast guest Sebastian Junger: Sebastian and I have met a few times in Manhattan and become friends. His book Tribe influenced my book tremendously, in fact I read it the morning I unplugged everything in my apartment, beginning living off the grid in Manhattan. I was predisposed to[…] Keep reading →

This Week’s Selected Media, Jun 9, 2024: When Breath Becomes Air and Scientific Advertising

on June 9, 2024 in Tips

This week I finished: When Breath Becomes Air, by Paul Kalanithi: This book sold huge and I’ve seen it for years. I kept comparing it to Ikiru the movie by Kurasawa and Death of Ivan Illyich the novella by Tolstoy. They’re all works on evaluating and reevaluating life, how to live it, and what we value when confronted with mortality. Man’s Search for Meaning by Frankl too. People may look[…] Keep reading →

This Week’s Selected Media, June 2, 2024: Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, History of the Constitution

on June 2, 2024 in Tips

This week I finished: Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, by Neil deGrasse Tyson: I didn’t know how popular this book was when I read it. Now I see it was on the New York Times bestseller list over a year and has over 30,000 reviews on Amazon. I think of science as something you do involving nature. You can experiment, work with equations, or other active things, but I[…] Keep reading →

This Week’s Selected Media, May 26, 2024: Animal Liberation Now and Turning Pages

on May 26, 2024 in Tips

This week I finished: Animal Liberation Now!, by Peter Singer: Since I last ate meat in 1990 and any dairy or other animal products about ten years ago (I don’t remember when), I can’t remember first reading this book, but this new version is well updated. Now I’ve met Peter, spoken a few times, and read The Life You Can Save. I love how readable his writing is (also his[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media, May 19, 2024: The Power of Habit, Conservatism

on May 19, 2024 in Tips

This week I finished: The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, by Charles Duhigg: Approaching a quarter-million burpees without missing a day in over a decade, among other habits, I always enjoy reading about habits. This book is engaging. Duhigg tells stories, presents science, and builds engagement over the course of the book well. I still haven’t found someone who treats how not[…] Keep reading →

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