Category Archives: Blog

The opposite of individual action is not what you think.

on October 22, 2024 in Blog

People erroneously contrast individual action with systemic change, like doing one hampers you from doing the other. Do they think musicians practicing their instruments prevent the orchestra from practicing together? Systemic change is not the opposite of individual action. If you rationalize and justify living against your values because in some way you’re doing what culture around you does, you’ve been corrupted. If you don’t live by your values, you’ve[…] Keep reading →

“Pollution makes me sick”

on September 20, 2024 in Blog

I don’t think I’ve seen a sign with this phrase: “Pollution makes me sick,” but I think it would work. The most popular one seems to be “There Is No Planet B.” I just thought the words and realized they carried more meaning than just their immediate meaning. Then I started thinking of alternative phrasings. I think they all work to some degree: Pollution makes me sick Pollution is sickening[…] Keep reading →

Does the U.S. medical system improve more lives than it hurts, including lives outside the system?

on July 25, 2024 in Blog

I haven’t heard anyone in medicine question the effects of pollution from our medical system on people outside the care facility. What about people harmed by plastic, emissions, and other pollution? They may be affected for centuries and all over the world. I don’t know anyone who calls America’s medical system unwasteful. Every time I walk into a doctor’s office I expect to see each care-person use half a dozen[…] Keep reading →

Emotions that emerge from the Spodek Method about nature that work

on July 23, 2024 in Blog

Yesterday I listed sustainability tactics based on extrinsic motivation that fail sustainability and drive unsustainability. Today, I’ll list emotions about nature I often hear doing the Spodek Method that, when acted on, lead to people doing more than they said they would, expressing gratitude, and being happy to share. I just wrote those items in ten or twenty minutes. I’ll add to the list as I come up with more.

Happy Independence Day, America. Let’s return to protecting life, liberty, and property and stop being imperialist

on July 4, 2024 in Blog

The number one topic of my book is freedom and liberty. In my view, science, technology, market reforms, and legislation follow from freedom and liberty. Without freedom and liberty, you can’t have the other things, but without them you can still have freedom and liberty. Pollution destroys life, liberty, and property. Our Constitution was built on a premise that a role of government is to protect life, liberty, and property.[…] Keep reading →

Invited on the field at Yankee Stadium with my family (thank you Brent Suter!)

on July 3, 2024 in Blog

Podcast guest Brent Suter plays for his hometown team the Cincinnati Reds and the Reds played the Yankees last night in Yankee Stadium. Brent and I have recorded three episodes so far. We’ve kept in touch since recording too. I asked him if I could see him at the game. He arranged for me and some family members to meet him on the field at Yankee Stadium for batting practice[…] Keep reading →

People ask what’s in my garbage. Here’s what they could ask instead.

on March 13, 2024 in Blog

When I tell people I haven’t filled a load of trash since 2019, before the pandemic, they often ask what’s in my trash. Instead of looking in my trash, I think it would help them more to look at their own and ask what they could not have bought. Just cutting out doof would lower their garbage by a lot. Also not buying things they don’t need or that are[…] Keep reading →

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