This week’s selected media, December 22, 2024: Land Power
This week I finished:
Land Power: Who Has It, Who Doesn’t, and How That Determines the Fate of Societies, by Michael Albertus: As a podcast host, I receive many promotions of books, companies, etc from publishers and others. This book came to me in one of them. It comes out next month.
In my book I explore how our culture came to be how it is, in particular, how we feel so helpless to stop polluting and depleting. I found the answer in the conditions that led to unsustainability, which led to imperialism, which led to colonialism, slavery, racism, and other manifestations of dominance hierarchy resulting from those conditions.
I hoped this book would reveal new insights into that process. It was interesting, but didn’t connect to what I was looking for. It described how land is used to gain and protect power, how it’s been redistributed, or reshuffled, and how it can be used to reduce domination, though also how mere intent doesn’t always result in the desired results.
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