Emotions that emerge from the Spodek Method about nature that work

July 23, 2024 by Joshua
in Blog

Yesterday I listed sustainability tactics based on extrinsic motivation that fail sustainability and drive unsustainability.

Today, I’ll list emotions about nature I often hear doing the Spodek Method that, when acted on, lead to people doing more than they said they would, expressing gratitude, and being happy to share.

  1. Wonder
  2. Awe
  3. Serenity
  4. Connectedness
  5. Oneness
  6. Curiosity
  7. Calmness
  8. Peacefulness
  9. Joy
  10. Appreciation
  11. Purposefulness
  12. Childlike
  13. Excitement
  14. Thrilled
  15. Fun
  16. Happiness
  17. Smallness compared to the universe, yet belonging
  18. Understanding
  19. Completeness
  20. Determination
  21. Contentedness
  22. Desire to protect
  23. Love
  24. Grandness

I just wrote those items in ten or twenty minutes. I’ll add to the list as I come up with more.


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