Category Archives: Awareness

Today’s greatest privilege: denying one’s personal contribution to pollution, depletion, plunder, and imperialism

on June 26, 2024 in Awareness, Nonjudgment

Liberals talk a lot about privilege. Conservatives, libertarians, and other political groups have their problems facing their contribution to our environmental problems, but liberals contribute as much. Their denial is through the roof. In particular, they throw around the term ‘privilege’ like it was candy. I think they think they’re silencing the people they accuse of it, but in a way the other person deserves, doesn’t realize, and benefits from[…] Keep reading →

Simple Pleasures

on June 19, 2024 in Awareness, Tips

I keep thinking of little things that bring me joy and want to collect them in a post. I never start the post because I can only think of a few every time I post. I’m going to start the post with only a few and add to it. Sorry if you’re reading this when I just posted and have only three items, but I hope you enjoy cleaning your[…] Keep reading →

People living contrary to their values say bizarre things

on March 16, 2024 in Awareness, Nature

I was talking to someone who pollutes more than most people while being aware of environmental problems. She bought a luxury SUV and flies around for fun. She compares herself to people who pollute and deplete more and says, “I’m not as bad as them” and concludes that she’s one of the good ones—which doesn’t follow, logically. In the course of conversation, she said about her unsustainable practices, “. .[…] Keep reading →

I’ve learned to enjoy just thinking

on March 1, 2024 in Awareness, Habits, Nonjudgment

I’ve held back on posting this discovery since I think people might confuse it with boredom or having nothing better to do and I didn’t want to be judged, but as I’ve cut out more media, I’ve found it enjoyable, relaxing, and rewarding just to think . . . to ponder, consider, reflect, introspect, daydream, and such. I mean something different than meditating. I meditate too, as one of my[…] Keep reading →

Just finished a 4-plus days water only fast

on February 28, 2024 in Awareness, Fitness, Freedom, Habits, Tips

Today about 1:30pm I ate my first food since Saturday noon: a bit over four days or 97.5 hours. Years ago I would have thought it impossible, but I’ve done a couple three-day fasts and a few two-day fasts, now several one-day fasts. With my six-day exercise cycle that I start on the first day of each month, for months with a number of days not divisible by six, I’ve[…] Keep reading →

Why I stretch

on February 27, 2024 in Awareness, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

I stretch every day after I meditate in the morning (neck and shoulders) and in my morning and evening calisthenics (quads, Achilles, hamstring, etc). At times I work other stretches in. Why do I stretch? The research I know says it doesn’t reduce injury, make me stronger, or enable me to do things otherwise. Yet I find value. It looks like I’m pulling on muscles, tendons, ligaments, or whatever gets[…] Keep reading →

Pleasantly surprised by my own success: People choosing to avoid flying for their own reasons

on December 18, 2023 in Awareness, Freedom

For some time I’ve been saying, half-jokingly, to people who start showing an interest in more sustainability with me: “Be careful spending time with me or you may find yourself avoiding flying and telling me how much it improves your life not to fly.” I don’t want to overstate things since only a few people have said it so far, but increasingly people are saying just that sentiment to me.[…] Keep reading →

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