Category Archives: Awareness

“In the next 30 years, we’ll make four times more plastic waste than we ever have”

on March 7, 2025 in Awareness, Nature, SIDCHAs

I hope I don’t start a habit of posting references to articles, but it’s hard not to share ones that say “In the next 30 years, we’ll make four times more plastic waste than we ever have.” That headline came from, which referred to a journal article, Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made, from Science Advances. We’re drowning in plastic. It doesn’t break down on human[…] Keep reading →

Bigger distractions than BP’s

on February 16, 2025 in Awareness

People constantly cite BP’s promoting personal footprints as a distraction. Nearly everyone who cites it acts like a know-it-all so I find them annoying. The main reason I find them annoying is they use it to justify themselves buying more of what BP sells. I wish more people understood how their minds rationalize and justify, but I’ll write about that topic in another post. Today I want to point out[…] Keep reading →

Why do people like hearing me share my vulnerabilities?

on February 7, 2025 in Awareness, Nonjudgment, Relationships

People like hearing me share my vulnerabilities. I’m not special. People like hearing anyone share their vulnerabilities too, but I noticed it this week about myself. At the beginning of this week, I thought about blind spots. We all have things we do or don’t do, or know or don’t know, and we aren’t aware of the consequences differing from what we expect. Learning about them can help us improve[…] Keep reading →

What people mean when they say “We have to have a conversation about…” (hint: it’s not about having a conversation)

on January 31, 2025 in Awareness, Relationships

I hear people say “we have to have a conversation about…” some controversial topic like racism, abortion, and the usual topics. Yet the controversy shows we’re talking about them. So what do they mean if the conversation is already happening? What they don’t mean While I can’t read anyone’s mind, I know they aren’t saying they want to learn new views. They can learn by reading and watching. If they[…] Keep reading →

Why we feel so busy

on January 7, 2025 in Addiction, Awareness, Freedom

Do you feel busy all the time, like no matter how much you do, you still have more to do? I used to feel that way, but less so now. I still have to pay bills, buy food, and so on. It’s more that I recognized how our culture rewards companies and industries making us feel that way. Here’s how. Advertisers have learned to manipulate our emotional systems, often better[…] Keep reading →

Pollution, depletion, and overcoming addiction

on December 4, 2024 in Addiction, Awareness

My book Sustainability Simplified treats addiction in depth because it’s so connected to our environmental problems. All of those problems result from our behavior. We aren’t stopping behavior putting civilization at risk, harming people globally. Read the book for more detail, but I think you can see our dependence on polluting and depleting qualifies as addiction. If you want to overcome an addiction, whom do you ask for help: people[…] Keep reading →

Two updates to my sidchas and standard operation procedures

on October 16, 2024 in Awareness, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

I’m updating My sidchas, standard operating procedures, and preferences in two ways. Cardio days First, in my 6-Day Exercise/Mindfulness Cycle, I’m changing day 6, which was “Cardio, at least 300 calories rowing or meaningful effort plogging, biking, walking, or climbing stairs.” I did cardiovascular exercises for two reasons: Since around May, I’ve been experimenting fasting on day 6. That is, instead of burning more calories, taking in fewer. Doing cardio[…] Keep reading →

Why do liberals consider political views they disagree with “wrong” but different skin colors and sexual preferences “diverse”?

on October 4, 2024 in Awareness, Models, Nonjudgment

People are going to read their preconceptions into what I’m asking, so if my question of this post seems provocative or you think it implies I’m promoting or espousing views, you’re misreading. There’s a pattern I see often. One example was last weekend at an alumni event at Columbia University. Former US Attorney General Eric Holder spoke. He’s a Democrat and liberal. As best I can tell, so were most[…] Keep reading →

When you know someone will (mis)interpret everything you say their way, do you talk to them?

on August 4, 2024 in Awareness, Nonjudgment, Perception

The title says half of it: When you know someone will interpret everything you say their way, do you talk to them? The other half: What if they’re your parents? No, I didn’t just have a fight with a parent, but I do talk to a lot of people who interpret what I say as best I can tell based on preconceptions of what they expect someone talking about what[…] Keep reading →

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