Category Archives: Addiction

Addiction in Greenwich Village, Late Summer 2024

on September 4, 2024 in Addiction

Following up my post Addiction in Greenwich Village, Early Summer 2024, here are new pictures starting late summer. These Pictures Are Of Our Culture, Including You and Me, Not the People in Them As always on posts about addiction: These images are of United States and global culture, not just the people in them. Their addictions may look bad, but mainly hurt themselves, secondarily the community immediately around them with[…] Keep reading →

“There’s no food here, just vegetables.”

on August 14, 2024 in Addiction, Fitness

This post may look like it’s about poor people and free food but it’s about our culture. I’ve heard this quote several times at the community fridge where I volunteer: “There’s no food here, just vegetables.” I help deliver a lot of vegetables from the farmers market. People coming to get free food tend to prefer pre-made meals and doof. I recommend reflecting on what the statement means and implies.[…] Keep reading →

Addiction in Greenwich Village, Early Summer 2024

on July 8, 2024 in Addiction

Here is the greatest sign of addiction I commonly see, a disposable plastic cup from Starbucks, being thrown away, sweat still forming on the plastic from the ice not yet melted. Someone paid for oil to be extracted to make the plastic and cool water to make ice in 90F (32.5C) weather just to throw it all away. Below are more addicts, although these ones are mostly only hurting themselves.[…] Keep reading →

Our culture: spring trash. Homeless don’t cause it as much as executives, elected officials, shareholders, and rich people

on July 4, 2024 in Addiction, Nature, Visualization

Litter isn’t a result of too little sanitation. It’s too much production and people still buying it. I’ve meant to post these pictures since I took them in the spring. I took them on a regular day. If you think cities mean more garbage, our per-capita environmental impact is less than Americans who live outside cities. If you think this garbage and treatment of public property is disgusting, as I[…] Keep reading →

How I don’t need willpower by learning to feel disgust for what once tempted me. You can too.

on June 28, 2024 in Addiction, Leadership, Models, Tips

Maybe you’ve heard me share how from when I had my own kitchen, I always had ice cream in my freezer and pretzels and Doritos in my cupboard. I struggled to pace my consuming them, but nearly always ate more than I meant to, but kept buying more. Now I say there isn’t enough money in the world for me to eat that stuff. I also talk about my relationship[…] Keep reading →

What did they do that ice cream doesn’t melt in baking hot sun?

on June 25, 2024 in Addiction, Nature

I admit since I haven’t had ice cream in five or ten years, I’m no expert on it, but I see a lot of ice cream disposable cups left on the street, plus dropped cones like the one pictured below. It was a hot day. I’d say hot enough to melt butter. Yet, I don’t know if you can tell, but the ice cream partly melted but mostly retains near[…] Keep reading →

How what I’m doing feels, subway version

on June 24, 2024 in Addiction, Fitness, Models

Sometimes I feel like I’m responding to someone who fell on the subway tracks. No one else acts. I jump down onto the tracks to help the person to safety, but the person is morbidly obese and struggles just to lift themselves from the ground. They’ve decided to stop trying. “It’s too hard. It’s not worth it.” They resign themselves to the train hitting them. “As long as I can’t[…] Keep reading →

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