Category Archives: Addiction

Josh and Evelyn Go Live! … see our first live stream of a series on living joyfully sustainably

on February 28, 2025 in Addiction, Freedom, HandsOnPracticalExperience, Nature

Living more sustainably isn’t hard. Our human ancestors did it for 250,000 years. Our non-human ancestors did it for billions. Most life forms do, maybe all except we modern humans. Living more sustainably in a culture that for whatever lip service it falsely pays to sustainability rewards the opposite is hard. Then the problem is people—that is, social and emotional, not technical. After all, it costs less, requires less time,[…] Keep reading →

What do you think: will the world be more healthy, safe, and secure next year? Next decade? Next century?

on February 26, 2025 in Addiction, Nature

I’m curious if anyone wants to share their intuition, how they are living their lives, not necessarily people who research the state of the earth, but what you think for yourself and your children, if any: Do you think tomorrow—that is, the future in general—will be more or less healthy, safe, and secure than today? I haven’t researched the question, but I’d bet for all of human existence, nearly all[…] Keep reading →

Why Are So Many Young Adults Getting Cancer? Doof, not food.

on February 15, 2025 in Addiction, Doof

I knew the article would cover food and not distinguish doof from food from its title: “Why Are So Many Young Adults Getting Cancer? New Columbia research looks at ultra-processed foods, sedentary lifestyles, and other possible explanations.” Sure enough, it didn’t. Imagine people didn’t distinguish heroin from poppy, if they thought shooting heroin was like eating a poppy-seed bagel. They’d miss that heroin affects the body and behavior a lot[…] Keep reading →

The Spodek Method is like quitting smoking.

on February 5, 2025 in Addiction, Education, Nature

Some people in my workshops describe early times practicing the Spodek Method as causing them anxiety. From my experience with performance arts like acting or sports in front of a crowd or, in attraction, learning to approach women, I know performing where others can see you can cause people without experience anxiety. I also know that mastering that art can transform that anxiety into joy and glory. Everyone who became[…] Keep reading →

Plastic appears more poisonous than you think, especially to your brain. You’d rather know these findings than not.

on February 4, 2025 in Addiction, Doof, Nature

I try to avoid just quoting news. That’s for social media, which I avoid. But sometimes the news merits it. Quoting the Washington Post: Haven’t shown causation (yet) The original paper’s conclusion points out they’ve only shown correlation, not causation, though not showing it doesn’t mean it isn’t there: The present data suggest a trend of increasing MNP concentrations in the brain and liver. The majority of MNPs [microplastics and[…] Keep reading →

Finding a used syringe at my building for the first time. Also, people injecting on the subway platform.

on February 1, 2025 in Addiction

Context: I post about addiction not to comment on the individuals in the pictures but to reveal our culture. The images are only the most poignant representations of it, but they differ only quantitatively from, say, TikTok, Amazon, flying, McDonald’s, Facebook, doof, or other addiction. My goal in connecting it to ourselves is not to make anyone feel bad, but to empower people to act. If you don’t know the[…] Keep reading →

Nearly everyone misses the danger of artificial intelligence we’re sleepwalking into

on January 30, 2025 in Addiction

When people predict what artificial intelligence will do, they tend to go in a few directions: how it will change their jobs, if it will become intelligent or conscious, if it will take over the world, or if it will solve some problem they face. Technology is a tool that augments people’s and culture’s abilities. It will tend to accelerate what its users already do. Whom will artificial intelligence help?[…] Keep reading →

Is most of the economy transaction costs?

on January 9, 2025 in Addiction, Doof

I was learning about the economist Ronald Coase and a topic he focused on: transaction costs. A person in a video described how businesses and technology help lower transaction costs. The person used as an example, pointing out it takes less time to search the marketplace and buy what someone wants. My experience is different. When I look up what people buy most on, a lot of it[…] Keep reading →

Why we feel so busy

on January 7, 2025 in Addiction, Awareness, Freedom

Do you feel busy all the time, like no matter how much you do, you still have more to do? I used to feel that way, but less so now. I still have to pay bills, buy food, and so on. It’s more that I recognized how our culture rewards companies and industries making us feel that way. Here’s how. Advertisers have learned to manipulate our emotional systems, often better[…] Keep reading →

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