Social media executives don’t let their children use social media. This time it’s personal.

March 15, 2025 by Joshua
in Addiction, Doof

Months ago, when I read Adam Alter’s book and hosted him on the podcast, I learned that executives of social media companies often don’t let their children use the services they work for. They know they design them to addict.

I recently saw an old friend who works at Facebook. He has two kids. I asked him if he let them use Facebook. He said “no,” with a look of: of course not, that would be bad for them.

It’s one thing to read and hear about it. It’s another to experience it directly with a friend.

Sometimes I can’t believe people put social media apps on their phones. I mean, of course I know they do and I believe it. I’m the tiny minority. In today’s culture, they’re normal, not me, but what they do is unhealthy, especially for kids. Same with doof.

To those reading these words, I recommend uninstalling the apps. Read books. Go for walks. Spend time with people without the apps.

cocaine lines

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