Category Archives: Relationships

I started in sustainability trying to restore nature. Now I see we have to restore humanity.

on July 20, 2024 in Models, Relationships

When I started working on sustainability instead of hoping someone else would fix our problem, I saw my goal as restoring nature, also conserving and protecting it. Learning that our environmental problems result from our behavior, which results from our culture, has taught me that we have to work on ourselves. I see how much our culture promotes addiction, pollution, depletion, and plunder. I see that we are abandoning or[…] Keep reading →

A neighbor’s thank-you letter from Donald Trump (sadly disrespecting the office of the presidency)

on July 19, 2024 in Freedom, Leadership, Nonjudgment, Relationships

Regular readers know I pick up litter every day. The other day I found this garbage wedged in the scaffolding of a building under construction. (Come to think of it, a topic I should write more about is this bizarre practice of litter being wedged and stuffed into places and why people do it. I’m not sure, but I have some ideas. In any case, all this littering is socializing[…] Keep reading →

A Triply Awesome Weekend

on June 4, 2024 in Art, Relationships, Stories

I don’t usually just talk about what I did, but sometimes things work out enough and I feel great about how major life choices I’ve made work out. Last Saturday, Sunday, and Monday were great times. I’ll share Monday first since it’s not visual so might get lost following the other two. Monday: Einstein and Nobel Prize winners Monday I met with a physics professor who mentored me in college[…] Keep reading →

What made sustainability politically polarized: my hypothesis

on May 10, 2024 in Education, Models, Nature, Relationships

Our environmental problems have become a politically polarized issue. Why? I don’t know values of any political tradition that oppose clean air, land, water, and food, while all seem consistent with stewardship. Meanwhile, the main political tribes seem to see their opponents as obvious enemies, blatantly exacerbating the problems. Liberals say conservatives and libertarians don’t care and are greedy. They say they prefer profit over helping other people or wildlife.[…] Keep reading →

More Life-Changing, Inner-You-Revealing, Passion-Unleashing Magic of Initiative

on May 1, 2024 in Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Exercises, Relationships

A month and a half ago I wrote about Eugene’s reflections on finishing the ninth of the ten exercises in my book Initiative in my post The Life-Changing, Inner-You-Revealing, Passion-Unleashing Magic of Initiative. He finished and posted about the tenth exercise at his blog: Method Initiative (Round 4) – Exercise 10: 10 Valuable People (And final Initiative methodology thoughts), and it’s as inspiring. Read the whole post for all he[…] Keep reading →

DARVO: how many people feeling guilt and shame protect themselves (including polluters/depleters)

on March 19, 2024 in Nonjudgment, Relationships

I forget what led me to learn the acronym DARVO (see below for definition and more), but it sounded like how people respond to sustainability talk. I read a few articles and watched a few videos on it (also below). They mostly talk about it as something narcissists do, though Wikipedia says “perpetrators of wrongdoing” do it, so not surprising that I see it in polluters. Identifying the pattern and[…] Keep reading →

Tough January: About three weeks with almost no sun. Learning in uncharted territory.

on January 31, 2024 in Leadership, Nature, Relationships

Check the calendar below. I count three days mostly sunny in the past 23 days. Everything else has been mostly cloudy to full on rain or snow. I’m still going up every day that isn’t raining. Many days not getting any power. I missed my first meeting today for not being able to plug in, but it worked out okay, I think for my explaining my situation. It was a[…] Keep reading →

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