Category Archives: Relationships

Americans are so addicted, they can’t see our unbalanced their “balance” is

on January 19, 2024 in Addiction, Perception, Relationships

Every time someone tells me they balance their behavior regarding the environment, guaranteed the next thing they say will concern only themselves. They want to help the environment but they want to live their life too. They want not to pollute but they can’t afford not to fly. They want to eat less meat but they want to stay healthy. For one thing, most of what they say doesn’t make[…] Keep reading →

Bonhoeffer’s last Christmas Letter

on December 25, 2023 in Freedom, Relationships

We live in a culture that hurts innocent people by the tens of millions every year, a number that’s growing, and we claim we can’t do anything about it. We want to see our families flying-distance away. The only way to love and be with someone is not to fly when we know it displaces people from their homes, making them refugees, and poisoning their air, land, and water. Struggling[…] Keep reading →

Jane O’Sullivan videos on population and overpopulation

on December 7, 2023 in Nature, Relationships

Jane has been a guest on the podcast. I’ve been catching up on research on population and overpopulation and wanted to compile her videos for future reference. I recommend watching them.

Speed reading bedtime stories to your kids: Some things don’t benefit from making more efficient

on June 30, 2023 in Freedom, Nature, Relationships

We thoughtlessly value efficiency and chase it places it doesn’t make sense. I call it Speed reading bedtime stories to your kids. It makes sense: if you read your kids bedtime stories faster, you can move on to other things. Or rather, it obviously doesn’t. Yet we do it with takeout food, doof, packaging, social media instead of spending time with people in person, flying around the world when there’s[…] Keep reading →

I want to give up every day. That’s the value of acting in service of innocent people suffering. What motivates more?

on June 14, 2023 in Leadership, Nature, Relationships

A colleague wrote about how she used to act more but now feels like giving up. I responded What you wrote reminds me of how I feel nearly every day. I can’t say I feel the same as you, but I know the numbers and projections. I see the overwhelming majority of humans not acting — an even greater majority of Americans. Many revel in not trying. Many of those[…] Keep reading →

Love and marriage don’t cause pollution. Stop using them as excuses.

on May 22, 2023 in Models, Nature, Relationships

How many times have I heard about polluting and depleting less, “You can do those things because you’re single.”? I know when people rationalize and justify their inaction, say by saying it’s easier for me or particularly harder for them, they aren’t speaking rationally. They’re protecting their vulnerabilities, suppressing and denying that they are hurting others, acting against their deepest values. Still, it seems worth it to list a few[…] Keep reading →

Imperialism and Us

on February 24, 2023 in Relationships

What is imperialism? Imagine two cultures. One lives within the means of its environment—that is, sustainably. The other lives beyond its means—that is, unsustainably. The sustainable culture will live in abundance. Being sustainable means it isn’t living in scarcity. Everyone must have enough—actually, more than enough, as evidenced through sustaining through periods of drought. Eventually the unsustainable culture will run out of resources. If it keeps to itself, it can[…] Keep reading →

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