Category Archives: Relationships

Our culture destroyed theirs, but which had better health, mental health, meaning, and purpose?

on May 22, 2022 in Models, Relationships

In a podcast post last week where I shared how history, anthropology, and archaeology contradict many of our views that we are living in the best times. This view leads us to think, “we may have pollution, but at least we live better than any time before,” which leads us to fear reducing our consumption, which leads nearly everyone to focus on increasing solar, wind, and nuclear first, reducing fossil[…] Keep reading →

My brief conversation with a heroin addict thanking me

on April 5, 2022 in Addiction, Habits, Relationships

As you know, I pick up litter daily, including at least three pieces from the northwest corner of Washington Square Park since the pandemic brought such hopelessness to it in the form of syringes, pipes, and the community and police abdicating responsibility to it. I don’t expect to revitalize the area by myself, but I’m not going to do nothing. I’m going to do something. As I walked along yesterday,[…] Keep reading →

One of the tragedies of addiction

on March 16, 2022 in Nonjudgment, Relationships

The tragedy I want to point out today isn’t on the scale of people losing their futures or their lives, or funding the organizations that supply the cause of the addiction and death, like drug cartels, the Sackler family, McDonald’s, or their peers. (I would bet of the drug cartels, Sackler family, and McDonald’s, McDonald’s and its doof caused the loss of more cumulative years of life than the other[…] Keep reading →

A chapter of my life, in the words of a massively bestselling author

on January 30, 2022 in Nonjudgment, Relationships, Stories

Regular readers of my blog and listeners of my podcast know that before I started coaching executives and leading famous people and after decades of struggling with social and emotional skills, limiting my intimacy, especially with women, I dove headlong into learning attraction skills. I shared about it in depth in my Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll series on my podcast, where I was the guest, particularly the episode[…] Keep reading →

Why grocery stores destroy food: Serving the market versus serving people

on January 24, 2022 in Relationships

When farmers grow for CSAs (where buyers like me pick up a weekly drop-off direct from the farm), they grow for specific people. They’re motivated to grow for flavor and quantity most, it seems, as a customer who keeps buying from his CSA because the flavor is out of this world and the quantity for the price is high. When farmers grow for a farmers market, they grow for the[…] Keep reading →

The three people who understand my sustainability least

on December 16, 2021 in Relationships

As I mentioned in my post on the biggest chips on my shoulder, the three people who understand my sustainability leadership work least: My dad, my mom, and my stepfather. For my father, as best I can tell, his impact on the environment and the people and other life in it are always trumped by family and his desire to travel. I think he understands that there are environmental problems[…] Keep reading →

A gift your partner will love receiving. No cost or waste. Minutes to prepare.

on November 26, 2021 in Creativity, Relationships, Tips

Following up on my post yesterday about Buy Nothing Season, I came up with a gift idea that costs nothing, takes almost no time to prepare, and only uses a sheet of scrap paper. I don’t know about you, but I would love to receive it. I think it would build a relationship. I doubt I came up with it. More likely I heard it a while ago and it[…] Keep reading →

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