See the video from Monday’s book reading

December 5, 2024 by Joshua
in Creativity, Leadership, Nature, Stories

Monday’s book reading featured questions from AJ and participants about the writing process, my experience, what to do oneself, and other personal things. AJ is both supportive and leads people to give their all.

We reminisced about my taking her workshop, in which I wrote the book’s first draft. Only later did I see that that draft was just the start of writing the book.

She asked me to read three sections. She described them all as powerful.

I started with the introduction.

Next I chose a part illustrating a major advance in how to understand my own self, why I am acting so much more than nearly anyone. Don’t take for granted you know why you’re doing what you do until you put yourself in front of the world, bare, and invite them to follow you.

Third, I shared a section of people who took the workshop and beyond, bringing it to others.

I think you’ll enjoy the reading. Here’s the link to buy Sustainability Simplified. You won’t find a more important book in this age. Here’s the video:

Here are the comments from the chat, removing the names (each line is a new comment):

Welcome to Monday Night Reading! We’re allowing time for everyone to sign in. Put in the chat where you’re from!


Easton, Maryland

Perth (Ontario, not Australia 😛)

Boulder, Colorado

Atlanta, but live in Oxford.


Washington, DC (well, Northern Virginia)

Fayetteville, Arkansas and Hancock, New Hampshire


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Ordering now! 🙂

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Have it!


Includes the opportunity to buy an eBook as well, to reduce your carbon footprint. 🙂

To leave a review:

Or go to to find libraries in YOUR neck of the woods. 🙂

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i have it too! 💥

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Got the ebook!

Joy, instead of sacrifice


Expected to fail

I discovered a vast global misunderstanding of our environmental problems.

Practice the basics

Beyond talking theory

“I became the first of 4 billion city dwellers to hands-on action.”

until you perform, it’s all theory and talk

Saving money and time!


It only kept it from the ocean a little longer.

Buy less stuff

disgust for packaging

“I know longer needed will power”

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Reacted to “”I know longer neede…” with ❤️

LOL NO longer sheesh. I am juggling a 4-year-old

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Conversations about the environment

Help people do what they already wanted, but haven’t figured out how.

Help people do what they already wanted but don’t know how

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Transform in weeks, not years

The vast majority of corporations are asleep at thee wheel when it comes to sustainability

No one is at the wheel

No one is asleep at the wheel. No one is AT the wheel.

no one is at the wheel

No one is asleep at the wheel. No one is AT the wheel.

the call is coming from inside the house

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Reacted to “the call is coming f…” with ❤️

Reacted to “the call is coming f…” with ❤️

Everyone does their role best.

Sustainability leadership to change culture


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The Spodek method has helped me find more joy and up my sustainability. Taking the course gave me a supportive community where I can get re-inspired regularly and see myself in the mirror of others. Like the construction worker seeing that the drug addict could in fact still stop.

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Reacted to “The Spodek method ha…” with 👏🏻

Daily show with Josh:

NYT article about Josh:

“To be able to look children in the eye and say I’m trying to make this world a safer, healthier place for you to live in.”

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Why did you start volunteering more, again, Josh? Because it got dark?

Replying to “Why did you start vo…”

To. be out in the community and not alone in the dark!

It’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, is it?

I’m not extreme – I’m traditional 🙂

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Reacted to “I’m not extreme – I’…” with ❤️

Action becomes the antidote

Whatever you give, you will get back more.

The movement needs you

Reacted to “The movement needs y…” with 👍

Freedom through discipline

Like hearing music after only being taught music theory.

“Work is love made beautiful.”

“Work is love made visible.”

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Helping the vulnerable and the innocent

Ache to stop

Set me apart

I am helping people

Eliminate suffering here and now

I’m not helping the environment in the abstract, i’m helping people

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I can say that the course helped me feel inspired again, and has again and again as I’ve reconnected with other alumns. This was after I’d been thinking I’d run out of inspiration for about a year.

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Reading the book also gave me a big boost

Joy makes it sustainable.

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Reacted to “Joy makes it sustain…” with ❤️

And I know now that I’ll be able to get more shift in mindset shift again sometime in the near future.

Yep! Hi that’s me!

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The best way to support an author and help spread their message is to buy their book and leave an Amazon review! The second best way is to ask your library to get a copy! 🙂

No bad guys—only procrastination.

“We procrastinate instead of engage.”

“Sustainability is important… I just have to do this one thing first”

I just have to get through Christmas first!

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Removed a ‼️ reaction from “I just have to get t…”

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“You may struggle with it at first, but keep at it” (of the Spodek Method”

the answer is no bag at all…

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Reacted to “the answer is no bag…” with 👍

Reacted to “the answer is no bag…” with ❤️


Truth! Fitter than being in LA shape

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Can I also add… Nikki mentioned that she did a few things and sort of petered out, stopped. The Spodek method will help you recognize that continual improvement is a better life lived. And the community will help prevent the petering out phenomenon.

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Thanks Evelyn!

The more we act sustainably the more we’ll like it

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