Come to my online book reading, THIS MONDAY 7pm eastern

November 26, 2024 by Joshua
in Creativity

I’m doing a reading NEXT MONDAY, December 2, on Zoom. it’s free. Registration is in the email announcement copied below. Or just click here:


If you didn’t know, I took a writing workshop that helped me  write my book. The workshop leader, AJ, cowrites with podcast guest Mike Michalowicz, bestsellers like Profit First. AJ’s community is wonderful, especially if you’ve ever though of writing a book.

I’ll read some from the book, answer her questions, and field questions from the audience. We’ll talk partly about sustainability, also the writing process, which was in many ways a deeply personal journey.

I’d love for you to attend.

See you there?


Mark your calendars for another Monday Night Reading–one unlike any we’ve had before. On December 2nd at 7pm ET, after a full day of charging his solar panels, Josh Spodek will join me to share from his new book, Sustainability Simplified: The Definitive Guide to Solving All (Yes, All) Our Environmental Problems.

Josh “unplugged” his apartment and has been living off the grid in downtown Manhattan since 2022 with no plans to go back. No guidebook, no assistance, just a mission and the drive to make a change. In his new book, Josh uses motivation to teach others how to make the same impact in their lives, countries, and even the world. We certainly have something to learn from Josh’s work at this Monday Night Reading.

If you’re curious about how Josh manages his off grid life, he was recently featured in a New York Times article which details what life looks like since making this incredible switch. As always, Monday Night Reading is open to the public, so bring a friend or two! We just ask for registration for security and safety purposes. I’ll see you there! AJ


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1 response to “Come to my online book reading, THIS MONDAY 7pm eastern

  1. Pingback: See the video from Monday’s book reading » Joshua Spodek

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