We need the words of Thomas Jefferson and work of Robert Carter III. Instead we have the words of Carter and acts of Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson wrote some of the most inspiring words on freedom and liberty, yet kept his slaves. To this day, people say as a result:
He didn’t mean all men are created equal or he wouldn’t have done what he did. He did, so he must have meant all white men are created equal.

It’s difficult to impossible to lead without credibility or integrity. Jefferson undermined both by violating the values he claimed.
Meanwhile, Robert Carter III freed his slaves, but said nearly nothing publicly about it, even to his classmate, Jefferson. When Carter ran for elections, he lost.
Every environmentalist with a prominent voice today is at best like Jefferson. They talk about sustainability but don’t act it, so they hurt people and justify for everyone to also. They lack credibility or integrity as a result, so no one follows their words.
None act like Carter.
If only we had people acting like Carter, speaking like Jefferson. I’m doing my best, but haven’t attained Jefferson’s reach. The legacy is there to be had if you speak more eloquently than I do, though I’m acting as fast as I can, so act fast if you want it first. We all benefit from your success.
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