Hear me on the Power Hour from the Heritage Foundation
Jack Spencer has been a guest on my podcast three times. Now I’ve been on his, and I think you’ll agree it was a fun, engaging conversation.
I can’t tell you how much I’ve learned from him. For one thing, when I started doing the Spodek Method with him on my podcast, I enjoyed his sharing about nature so much, I didn’t get past the first couple steps. I had to keep listening to what he shared.
Most people I know who call themselves environmentalist view Jack’s employer, the Heritage Foundation, as the enemy or something like it. They would want to defeat it, not talk to them, and would view people in it with suspicion. Yet I found his appreciation for and love of nature as meaningful and significant as anyone’s, and beyond that of many environmentalists.
(To clarify, I’m not putting down environmentalists. There is great diversity among them, meaning some aren’t that environmental.)
Also, many environmentalists and people on the left, when they talk about engaging people on the right, they fall back on hackneyed, ineffective approaches that are based in what I call in my book 4C-bludgeoning: convincing, cajoling, coercing, and seeking compliance. In particular, their idea of finding common ground or connecting is to start with hunting and showing how if they want to keep hunting they have to value sustainability. That’s not finding common ground. That’s trying to manipulate them.
Back to Jack and my conversation, I’ve dived into many of his foundations not to talk to him, but because I find them directly relevant to my work: Adam Smith, Frederic Bastiat, John Locke, Edmund Burk, and their peers in history. I can’t believe more people don’t see their relevance, except that I can because of our tribalism. I predict Jack and I will keep talking and will find results no one has before.

About the Podcast
The Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment’s (CECE) Power Hour, hosted by Jack Spencer, brings together leading experts to discuss a wide range of timely and critical issues in energy, climate, and the environment. If you support unleashing abundant and affordable domestic energy, combatting climate alarmism, and advancing environmental policy that respects federalism, property rights, and sound science, then The Power Hour is a must-listen program.
Show notes
The Power Hour is a weekly podcast that discusses the most interesting energy and environmental policy issues of the day with top national experts. Jack interviews Josh Spodek this week who is one of the most interesting people that has graced the Power Hour studio over the past couple of years.
Josh is a long-time environmentalist and conservationist (and so much more) who doesn’t just talk about a commitment to the environment but lives it with each decision he makes. Rather than plying guilt or coercion, Josh explains how his choices have made his quality of life better and how we can do the same. You definitely want to check this one out. You can learn more about Josh’s journey and philosophy from his book, Sustainability Simplified: The Definitive Guide to Understanding and Solving All (Yes, All) of our Environmental Problems, available here for pre order now. And to impress that special someone for Valentines Day, Jack’s book, Nuclear Revolution will get the job done!
Join the conversation at thepowerhour@heritage.org! Thank you for listening and please don’t forget to subscribe and help us to spread the word. And buy the book! And Josh’s too!
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On initiative, leadership, the environment, and burpees