Reply To: Exercise 4: 10 Friends and Family Members

by Jim Jenkins

Home Forums Initiative Course 2024 Exercise 4: 10 Friends and Family Members Reply To: Exercise 4: 10 Friends and Family Members

Jim Jenkins

Jim’s reflection

Reflections: 4 professional colleagues, 5 course colleagues
Was comfortable with the exercise, fairly matter of fact. No concerns about carrying it out except time required and accessing people. The asking for advice approach was indeed a great means to lower the inhibition to say yes to my request. Will add this to my conversation template.
It was a relatively relaxed situation. Many people were curious what I was up to and wanted to know more background, where it was going to fit into what I’ve been doing.
It definitely enriched the depth and many nuances of the problem and solution and my understanding of the problem broadened. Several key AHA’s that will strengthen my approach.
Some are interested to know how it progressed.

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