Reply To: Exercise 4: 10 Friends and Family Members

by Joe Spradley

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Joe Spradley

Reflection on Exercise 4

Engaging with 10 friends about my project to support movement leaders in creating authentic digital presences has been incredibly insightful. Initially, I felt overwhelmed by the scope of feedback needed, but breaking it down into individual conversations made the process manageable and productive.

Key insights from these discussions included the importance of specificity in defining movement leaders, integrating creative storytelling, and differentiating between various service models, such as “do it for me,” “do it with me,” and “help me do it on my own.” Recommendations emphasized building trust through testimonials, leveraging community connections, and considering low-budget, scalable solutions. Additionally, the need for ongoing engagement and feedback systems was highlighted.

These conversations refined my project’s direction and underscored the value of community-driven, sustainable solutions in digital presence building. The most crucial element in providing this solution is trust, which is best gained by showing up authentically as a member of the community in service of the community.

Overall, these discussions have helped shape a clearer, more actionable path forward, reaffirming my commitment to empowering movement leaders through tailored digital solutions. Moreover, this exercise has deepened my relationships with friends, family, and classmates!

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