Reply To: Catch-up week

by Jim Jenkins

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Jim Jenkins

Catch up week Reflections

1. How has this workshop compared with your expectations or other classes, if any, on similar subjects?

Was comfortable with the exercise, fairly matter of fact. No concerns about carrying it out except time required and accessing people. The asking for advice approach was indeed a great means to lower the inhibition to say yes to my request. Will add this to my conversation template. Knowing the material and being able to do it are two different things and the structure of this workshop has really helped improve the doing it factor.

2. How has interacting with each other factored in?

It has been valuable to hear the perceptions of others in the group. It’s made me realize the value of some skills I take for granted and where I need to focus more. We all have a unique mix of experiences and levels of learning and no one is starting from zero. It’s making me take better stock of the skills I do have and how to utilize them more. I’ve participated in learning lab groups previously and this experience is a close example to that.
Interacting with those in the conversations definitely enriched the depth and many nuances of the problem and solution that I wasn’t seeing. It is easy to get blinded by your own thinking. The AHA factor is stronger and more frequent.

3. Any suggestions to improve the experience?

People want to talk about new things they learned and experienced, some don’t need as much air time as others so it is a hard task facilitate. One method to help is to set a bit of structure with some standard questions like, what was each person’s biggest AHA, and once everyone has had a turn it can be more open discussion. I don’t think anyone in this group is monopolizing the time over others. There is always something to be learned by listening.

4. What have been your biggest surprises so far?

Taking stock of the skills I have and noticing where I procrastinate on some parts of the homework and thinking about why I am doing that. I think it has to do with overcoming fears.

5. What do you think the rest of the class will be like? Or the leadership part?

The ante is raised each week so I anticipate more discomfort but also faster progress as our confidence builds. Looking forward to leadership work.

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