Reply To: Exercise 5: 5 People Who Feel the Problem

by Jim Jenkins

Home Forums Initiative Course 2024 Exercise 5: 5 People Who Feel the Problem Reply To: Exercise 5: 5 People Who Feel the Problem

Jim Jenkins

Reflection on 5 people with the problem:

Felt good about the 5 people exercise as a chance to check the relevance of the problem as others see it.

Felt the frustration of others as they were relaying their experience and felt somewhat vindicated that some companies have recognized the same problem and put programs in place similar to my solution.

The various people felt strongly about participating in an organizational problem. Some had good examples and felt invigorated, others felt despondent because they didn’t see a way forward and one had a program in place and felt it was about to be discontinued.

Yes I feel quite different about my project. It seems to be needed even more but it also seems much more complex to accomplish as I have a new appreciation of the different organizational circumstances that can must be tackled to be successful. Torn that my work organization has a program but it is disconnected from many of the functions and seems destined to be reduced or shut down. My motivation has changed but am not sure how yet. Need to think through this new information and what it means to adjust my approach.

Yes, I understand the problem and a couple of example solutions that others have in place. I’m thinking I need to speak with many others who are running these programs to understand what they faced and the critical elements to be successful.

I think those I spoke to are generally interested to hear how things progress. One was remotivated by our conversation to look into opportunities in their organization. Two I spoke to and who know me already saw me as someone who is already a champion for grass roots initiatives.

This initiative seems 10x more complex than it did a few days ago. I feel compelled to speak with many more people who feel the problem to gain a stronger understanding of the factors.

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