Reply To: Exercise 9: Second Personal Essay

by Hayden Kessinger

Home Forums Initiative Course 2024 Exercise 9: Second Personal Essay Reply To: Exercise 9: Second Personal Essay

Hayden Kessinger

Hi Beth,

I’ve finally gotten around to reading your post and have some thoughts. For one, I realized I’ve yet to connect you with Alex Eaves, who is a “reuse edutainer” and repurposes unused clothing, among other things. I spoke with him at length just the other day and learned that he gets an unbelievable amount of unused clothing thanks to people that know him and know what he does. Some of it is graphic tees that wouldn’t be of interest to you, but others are plain shirts that could be printed on with your chosen design. In thinking about this, I also had the idea of using fun shirts like tie-dye or “Hawaiian” style shirts. Everyone in your group would be matching but also unique. So you could all be identified as a collective team while also gaining more attention (maybe). Just an idea!

It sounds like you may never have to cold call anyone! With all of the connections you’ve made already who are referring you to others who will then refer you to more people. It makes me very happy to see your efforts being rewarded and your community growing. I can’t wait to hear updates next Sunday! Please reach out if you think of anything I could help with from afar 🙂

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