Reply To: Exercise 1a: Your sidcha

by Hayden Kessinger

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Hayden Kessinger

My lifelong commitment

It feels pretty good to plainly say that. For the rest of my life I will do this one thing, no matter what. The only reason I will stop will be to change to something that serves me better. Even if I switch, I will still do my SIDCHA.

My SIDCHA for the rest of my life will be mostly fitness, but I’d say also mindful: a one-minute plank. I predict the length will increase quickly as a one-minute plank is not difficult for me right now. However, I will start with one-minute. That is what I believe I can do every single day no matter what happens. It’ll be interesting to see if I’m still doing daily planks in one month, six months, and a year from now. I’ll certainly still be doing my SIDCHA, but perhaps I will have realized that planks should be replaced by something else. Maybe something creative or mindful, or something else physical. I think if anything I’ll add more SIDCHAs rather than replace the plank. But who knows?

There are plenty of healthy habits I want to introduce (or more commonly, re-introduce) to my life. In fact, I spend a lot of my time every day thinking about them: running, yoga, meditation, writing, learning an instrument, and many more. Some of these things are already almost daily habits that bring me a lot of benefits. However, none of them are non-negotiable. I skip my yoga and meditation practice from time to time. I go long stints without running. Sometimes I feel too tired to journal before bed, so I don’t. I’ve started many daily habits, kept them for a while and then dropped them. I always value the routine and structure they provide in addition to the benefits that come as a direct result of actually doing them (feeling more calm from meditating, feeling stronger and more flexible from yoga, etc.).

My new SIDCHA is different. I will plank for one minute for every day until the day I physically cannot (or if I decide to switch). As I write this, I’m thinking, “man, this is kind of extreme isn’t it? Do I really want to put this pressure on myself?” But c’mon, it’s one minute. No matter what insane circumstances life throws at me — rain, snow, hail, meteor shower, nuclear fallout — there’s no way I can’t manage to hold a plank for one minute. So I guess that settles it. I’m a daily planker. Here begins my streak. I actually started yesterday but I’ll log October 21st, 2024 as the official first day of my SIDCHA journey.

I’m excited to read about and support everyone else’s!

This was on my blog on Monday

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