Reply To: Exercise 1: Evoke Emotion, Create Meaning

by Talia Lerner

Home Forums Sustainability Leadership Workshop (10/24 start) Exercise 1: Evoke Emotion, Create Meaning Reply To: Exercise 1: Evoke Emotion, Create Meaning

Talia Lerner

My first practice was with my mom over the phone.

We were discussing her recent trip with my dad in Greece, and I felt like it was the perfect time to try the Spodek Method. Even though we’re close and I know the typical style of her speaking, I felt like I was listening to someone else when I asked her to tell me about an experience in nature and how it made her feel.

She talked about a specific historical site she visited in Athens and how the mountains and trees invoked a deep sense of awe. The nature around her existed for thousands of years, bearing witness to the rise and fall of empires, the joys and struggles of generations, and secrets of so many people before her that no human could unearth. I asked her about any specific senses. She could only describe this feeling of awe and how nature felt like everything. She felt nature inside of her and all around her. It harnessed all the myseteries of the world, which she felt was very powerful. Not only did she feel joy when recounting this to me, I also felt inspired by her words (admist an otherwise mundane conversation).

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