Reply To: Exercise 8: Adopt a New Belief

by Olivia Ong

Home Forums Leadership Course 2024 Exercise 8: Adopt a New Belief Reply To: Exercise 8: Adopt a New Belief

Olivia Ong

Leadership Step by Step Exercise 8: Adopt a New Belief

Old belief: not finishing my homework means that I am not holding up my commitment, which means that I am not trustworthy because I broke my word. Or rather, I failed my word.
Old emotion: Self-criticism, frustration, unworthiness
New desired emotion: aligned with myself, authentic, true, empowered, peace
New belief: It’s okay to not follow through on things that are not my highest priority.

Reflection Questions:

Did your initial candidate belief feel fake? My initial candidate belief didn’t feel fake because I’ve experienced this over and over in classroom settings and in life and work settings.

Did that feeling change? That feeling changed when I decided to change it.

Did you feel like you could change not just a belief but beliefs in general? Yes.

Did you sense how your mind adopts beliefs and changes them? Yes – through recognizing something undesirable and transforming it to something desirable.

Where and how might you apply your experience in the rest of your life? All throughout – to curate a life by design.

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