4 Delicious Benefits of Acting on the Environment
I wrote a piece in Thrive Global, 4 Delicious Benefits of Acting on the Environment, on my process of polluting less and the joys I’ve received from it.

It begins:
I last emptied my household garbage in September 2018.
The time before that, June 2017.
Yes, I took 16 months to fill one load of garbage, and a small load — one canvas tote bag full. I don’t need to use plastic bags because everything wet or that rots I compost.
When I said those dates in my last TEDx talk, the crowd woke up. I could hear people saying, “What?â€, “Really?â€, “How is that possible?†Afterward, people asked how I did it.
Specific details for eliminating the biggest sources of garbage — food packaging — are all over the internet, so I won’t repeat what others have said better, though I’ll recommend Bea Johnson‘s work on minimizing waste and Joshua Becker’s on minimizing stuff.
Read the rest: 4 Delicious Benefits of Acting on the Environment
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On initiative, leadership, the environment, and burpees
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