504: Dar-Lon Chang, part 2: Activists on Exxon’s Board (and fighting a real estate developer who lied about sustainability)

September 6, 2021 by Joshua
in Podcast

Reading front-page headlines about activist investors gaining some control of Exxon’s Board of Directors reminded me of past guest Dar-Lon Chang, who worked at Exxon for sixteen years. I asked if he had inside information on it.

He told me he did, which he shared. He also shared his personal experience living in a community striving to live sustainably in Colorado. Living more sustainably is why he left Exxon. Now a real estate developer is undoing their work after apparently lying about his intent to honor the community’s interests.

You’ll feel outrage, though also, I hope, motivation, that he and his neighbors aren’t just accepting gas lines being fed to houses in this community. They’re fighting back.

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