A week with no sunny days. Should be only partly cloudy tomorrow.

January 29, 2024 by Joshua
in Nature

I’m writing this post fast because New York has seen almost no sunny days in a week. I’ve had to conserve power as much as I can. All my batteries are nearly dead.

Amazingly, I feel I live with more abundance in what matters despite having less power than when I plugged into the walls. We come together and help each other in difficult times, like snowstorms and hurricanes.

I find caring about each other more valuable than material or energy abundance. Of course, in the long run we don’t have to choose one or the other. Living sustainably isn’t hard. It’s only hard when everyone around me isn’t. That’s a cultural challenge, not technical.

Here’s the sky right now, not enough to draw a current, but I got a few percent earlier, which was enough for this post and not much more. Still plenty I can do.

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