746: Martin Doblmeier, part 1: What We Can Learn from Dietrich Bonhoeffer

February 14, 2024 by Joshua
in Podcast

I’m searching for role models including people who changed cultures and undid dominance hierarchies, particularly people who came from status. I can think of many who came from subjugated classes, but not many who could have declined to engage, but did instead.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer is one. I could share more about him, but my guest today, Martin Doblmeier, made a wonderful documentary about him available online free. It’s worth it to watch the documentary before listening to this episode if you don’t know much about Bonhoeffer.

Martin had more insight into Bonhoeffer than many. He met many people who knew him, and he featured them in the documentary. As you’ll see, the documentary is thoughtful and considerate, which told me Martin must have thought deeply about what motivated Bonhoeffer. He shared about these things in the conversation. We also connected it all to sustainability leadership.

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