This week’s selected media, December 8, 2024: The Big Short
This week I finished:

The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine, by Michael Lewis: I read this book after watching the movie based on my expectations on recent legislation. I expect that top-down sustainability efforts like the Inflation Reduction Act and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, moving trillions of dollars toward technologies that won’t work, will create market bubbles that will burst. In the process, they won’t help on our environmental problems. On the contrary, I expect them to accelerate them to greater sizes by distracting us from solutions that could work.
I’m curious to find ways to reduce the damage. I wouldn’t mind putting my money where my mouth is by shorting the industries with ineffective, counterproductive would-be solutions that misguided support will prop up. I was curious how people effectively shorted the housing bubble.
I might try to contact Michael Lewis and the people he writes about in the book.
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