054: The connection between entrepreneurship, academia, and environment; Balint Horvath , Part 1

on June 22, 2018 in Podcast

Balint Horvath and I are physicists and both podcasters — a rare combination. I think the connection helps make this conversation inspire. That’s the goal. I originally appeared on his podcast, where we connected. His love for environment and interviewing skill brought out mine last summer, when this podcast was taking shape in my mind. He played a big role in Leadership and the Environment forming and my taking the[…] Keep reading →

053: Leadership without judgement; David Burkus, Part 2

on June 19, 2018 in Podcast

David Burkus returns to share his cold shower challenge. He’s a leadership expert and shares great insight, especially about networking and tolerance. There’s a lot to learn from him. If I’m honest, in contrast to my usual enthusiasm at a guest’s actions, you’ll hear a failure of leadership on my part. I believe effective leadership is based on learning the motivations and cares of the other person and connecting them[…] Keep reading →

051: Changing a community through leadership; Jeff Brown, Part 2

on June 15, 2018 in Podcast

Can a small change lead a community? Our conversation with Jeff Brown shows how a small action on what you care about can inspire and lead a community. Even small actions, when based on your values—what you care about—can make big differences because humans are social and share many values—for example, clean air and water. Helping his neighborhood recycle acts on those shared values. Jeff likes business ideas and leadership—enough[…] Keep reading →

050: Disconnecting means reconnecting; Vincent Stanley, part 2

on June 12, 2018 in Podcast

For such a successful man, Vincent Stanley is as down to earth as they come. He returns to discuss his experience disconnecting from technology and reconnecting with his values, especially his words. People seem to believe that technology saves time or gives us attention despite experience, research, and headlines to the contrary. Vincent shares that disconnecting actually created more time for him. He felt less consumed and the need to[…] Keep reading →

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