Elon Musk and Alan Mulally: Help Me Avoid Flying for a Year!

October 12, 2016 by Joshua
in Inc.com

My Inc.com article today, “Elon Musk and Alan Mulally: Help Me Avoid Flying for a Year!,” began

Elon Musk and Alan Mulally: Help Me Avoid Flying for a Year!

I vowed not to fly for a year to reduce emissions. Can two heads of car companies help make it happen?

Marshall Goldsmith is making my life difficult.

Elon Musk and Alan Mulally can help and you’ll benefit from it.

I’ll explain how.

The Challenge

I’m trying to go one year without flying. For an activity that was impossible before 1903, I’m finding it remarkably difficult. Society today, especially business, pressures you to fly.

I’m taking on the challenge for two reasons.

The first is because flying pollutes, the sea levels are rising, and I’ve found taking responsibility for my actions that affect others, even future generations, even though we can’t change the past. Some disagree that there’s any point to this experiment, which brings us to my second reason.

The second is that my little behavior-driven experiments like this have improved my life. Marshall’s leadership exercises are one example, like avoiding beginning responses to people with the words no, but, or however.

Try it for a week if you haven’t. Marshall does it with everyone he coaches, so the experiment is like free world-class coaching. I guarantee you’ll learn more than you expect.

Behavioral change drives personal growth beyond what reading, listening to lectures, watching TED talks, and so on can. I’ve come to value it beyond those passive techniques.

Read the rest at Elon Musk and Alan Mulally: Help Me Avoid Flying for a Year!

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