Reply To: Exercise 10: No, But, However

by Hayden Kessinger

Home Forums Leadership Course 2024 Exercise 10: No, But, However Reply To: Exercise 10: No, But, However

Hayden Kessinger

No, but, however

The point wasn’t to avoid being negative or stop using these words altogether. Instead, it was an exercise in avoiding negating people. Before dinner on Sunday I described the exercise to my parents so they could let me know if I slipped up. My dad asked a question and I said “no it’s… oh wow I already did it!”

It’s funny that I use no and but to begin a response so much. I don’t know if I ever respond to people with however. Practicing this provided an opportunity to pay attention to how my thoughts change when listening to others, what I say instead of no and but, how often I slip up, and how people respond differently.

Funnily, I did not live up to the title of this post. There were lots of nos and plenty of buts, too. I simply failed this exercise. There were maybe a handful of times I successfully caught myself before responding with no or but. And maybe another handful where I noticed after saying it. I think there were many more instances where it didn’t even register. That said, having the exercise in mind did make me more aware of the way I respond to people.

What fraction of my no, but, and however responses did I catch?
I would say 5-10.

Did I notice changes in others’ reactions?
No (look! I did it again!) because I didn’t do it enough. Other than my parents laughing at me when I caught myself and said, “oh I just messed up.”

How do I imagine the different responses feel?
I can definitely imagine them feeling better than hearing an immediate negation of whatever they just said. For me, when I remembered, it felt nice to consciously pick a different response.

How else could I begin my responses?
Well, I could begin them in lots of different ways. In general, I think about responding with curiosity and acknowledgment. When I was an educator at Five Rivers, I practiced this a fair bit, actually. I got pretty good at not answering kids’ questions or answers with no. In those cases, I’d say something like, “well, maybe, what makes you think that?” or “that’s a good question, let’s see if we can figure that out!” Doing this was always fun and I could clearly see the difference between telling a kid no and offering them encouragement and a new opportunity to learn. Most kids who got a plain “no” after answering a question would shut down right then and there. They might be totally uninterested for the rest of the lesson.

Do I think others noticed a difference?
I don’t think so given the small number of data points I have.

Where and how might I apply my experience to the rest of my life?

I guess I’ll try again next week!

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