Reply To: Exercise 14: The Model

by Olivia Ong

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Olivia Ong

Leadership Step by Step Exercise 14: The Model

Activity: Write two situations I want to improve using The Model.

I want to be more efficient with doing work.

Environment: My home, my office
Belief: I have time to waste, I can get to things later, I have enough time to do everything.
Emotion: Incongruence, frustration, then feeling rushed later when I play catch up.
Behavior: Procrastination, dilly-dallying, then rushing when I get back to work.

I want to improve my sleep habits.

Environment: My home
Belief: I can function on very little sleep. I can go to sleep late and still wake up early.
Emotion: Greed with time and being able to do things, then tiredness when I wake up.
Behavior: Doing things late at night and getting distracted, then going to bed late when I feel tired.


The Model is very different from my own models for emotions and leadership as I do not combine the four elements that The Model does. However, I do believe that it relates to my own model for leadership as it relates to changing personal behavior.

Reflecting on The Model itself, it seems that it lends itself to allowing me to better troubleshoot where the problem lies, or rather, where I can best use a strategy with the highest efficiency. By breaking things up into four components, it affords me the opportunity to scrutinize each component and evaluate whether each one is desirable – if yes, I can keep it, and if not, I can strategize and experiment with how to change it.

Pleasure, happiness, and emotional reward feel similar and different to me. The three are all desirable, and yet, pleasure and happiness seem more temporary to me, whereas emotional reward feels a little bit longer term and more sustaining. The first two also seem more fleeting and shallow, whereas emotional reward feels more deeply fulfilling.

The applicability of The Model appears to be in all areas of life when crafting an intentional life – i.e. in pursuit of more of what we desire and in pruning more of what does not serve us. I think I would need an iterative process and a sounding board in order to get the most out of this.

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