Exercise 7: Create a Visual Model

by Joshua

Home Forums Initiative and Leadership Course 2024 Exercise 7: Create a Visual Model

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    • #19582

      Show your visual model and reflections on making it.

      This Sustainable Life logo

    • #19585
      Hayden Kessinger

      I think I have some work to do

      I’ve created very early-stage models that I think will be developed. I’m looking forward to receiving feedback from y’all in class because I have a feeling I am forgetting some people and/or groups that will be involved in my project.

      As a reminder, my project is a social, discussion-based learning group focused on creating community amongst animal advocates and empowering them to be as effective as possible in their chosen forms of advocacy. I plan to create a group that meets in-person once a month to socialize for ~30 minutes and discuss effective animal advocacy for ~1 hour.

      Hopefully you can see these photos of my hand-drawn models: Visual models

      I feel like I understand my project’s operations a little better. Perhaps because this is my first time creating something like this, I’m not realizing all the different pieces involved, but I can’t think of anything else. It’s a simple idea: a social group that learns together. Many of the resources and information will come from the internet or books (I guess these could still be included in the model as giving resources and receiving ad traffic or money). The majority of the interaction will be occurring between me and the other group members and amongst themselves.

      I didn’t revise my project during this exercise. I think revisions will come after hearing feedback from the group. I also think I can have follow-up and/or new conversations with an emphasis on bringing a project like this to life. I’ll need to ask more questions specific to logistics and people/groups that I need to involve to make it happen.

    • #19597
      Evelyn Wallace
    • #19636
      Olivia Ong

      Method Initiative Exercise 7


      The Problem: Environmentally conscious adults who want to minimize their belongings are feeling overwhelmed.

      The 3s Solution: Help willing people to gain agency in reducing overwhelm with a structured framework.
      The Solution Framework: Find willing and motivated people via an intake assessment. Provide a familiarized group environment for people to uncover and share the root cause of their unique emotional attachments to physical belongings, as well as their motivation for taking action. Inspire action by engaging people in crafting a personalized SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goal. Connect people with a body double (someone to get things done alongside) or accountability buddy. Equip folks with resources for sustainably reducing their inventory via donations, the buy-nothing project, recycling, and ultimately by gaining an awareness for and making a commitment to reduce inventory inflow.

      This exercise was simple, but not necessarily easy. I often found that it felt like some parties did not have arrows in two directions and it felt like a stretch to make them go in both directions. I also questioned whether or not people would actually spend money on participation and gaining some agency in taking the first step towards reducing overwhelm. Part of this is because I find enough value in the objective that I’ve helped people without receiving payment before, but if this were to be part of a career or what I’d do for employment, it wouldn’t be sustainable at all.

    • #19637
      Jim Jenkins

      Exercise 7 reflections

      1. Do I understand the project’s operations better. YES for 2 reasons. 1) The diagram helped thinking on the main stakeholders and highlighted I need to write a better value equation for each. 2) Recent advice has handed me a serious rethinking about the project AND recently announced changes in the company will have a large impact on the project if I attempt to try it out on the organization I work for.

      2. How much have I revised my project? I am going to have to significantly rewrite my project because of the above.

      3. Did I find problem areas? Yes, I have found many engagement functions are no longer running in big companies and don’t know why? Do they outgrow the initiatives, does it run out of interest, energy. Have some ideas but haven’t formulated solutions yet.

      4. Did the exercise change my motivation to ask for advice? It reinforced how important it is to get as many perspectives as is practical because the situation in each organization will be unique in ways that the solution will have to be modified to fit the organization to increase chances of success.

    • #19641
      Joe Spradley

      My visual model


      One big insight here came from the audience growth that hopefully comes from just building good things creating a virtuous cycle.

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