128: Sally Singer: Fashion and the Environment
Sally plays a big role leading an iconic brand, with her team taking it in directions no one has taken media before. She’s also played major roles in the New York Times and other major media outlets.
In this first part of my conversation with her you’ll hear Sally’s passion about the art of storytelling, what evolves and what stays the same as media evolve, and how she leads people and teams.
Sally shares about caring and passion, which are integral to success in business, at least how she does it. I think you’ll appreciate her take on fashion’s reputation regarding the environment.
The conversation went long enough — I think we both enjoyed it that much — that I couldn’t fit it all into one episode. This episode is more about leadership, journalism, fashion, Sally’s growth and personal development, and a bit of Chelsea Manning.
Stay tuned for episode two, on her challenge and her takes on leadership and the environment.
Read the transcript.